Tim Weaver
omega said:How about, "Because I'm a greedy, compulsive geek" ?
I liked to have project groups that would often get into the range of
70+ tabs, and that was a good ceiling. And, max on my w98 resources
allowance was about 110 tabs. So I need to know when I'm passing the ~70
On a web search project, then I especially watch my tabs counter. I
consider that I have got the bulk of the info on the subject query
handled once I've brought things down to under ~30 pages. When I've
brought it down to under say ~20, where I've saved the fullest or most
useful pages, into a set of "favorites groups," that's the count where I
feel things are at the level I was aiming for.
The tabs counter served me very usefully in different projects involving
web information. I was dependent on it in a central way, kind of the
same way we're regularly looking at the clock during various projects.
Eh, but Bloodchen utterly ignored my plight (and others who valued the
tabs counter as well).![]()
Write a plug-in. As plug-ins go, that should be one of the simplest to