OK, mine works OK with a different FTP port, but I am not goin
through a router
I would suggest that temporarily you put the NAS on the same subne
as the PC with the FTP client, so you don't have to go through
router to get to it.
I am using 006-1216 firmware, and WSft
I have it configured for a fixed IP address
I went into FTP Service in the administration console
I checked Enable under FTP server, and left the port at 21 to star with, then did [Apply]
I clicked the [Add Account] button, entered the account name, an clicked [Add
I selected the new account from the list, and clicked [Modif Account
I entered the password, checked Enable and Read Only and hi [Modify
I moved some shares from the right hand column to the left b
selecting them and pressing [<-Add
I created a profile on WsFTP, using the numeric IP address, th
account name, and password, and it logged in and I browsed som
I went to the FTP Service page of the admin console and changed th port to 4000, and hit [Apply
WSftp would not log in with port 21. I changed WSftp to port 400
under the advanced tab of the profile, logged in, and browsed som
files just fine
Then I went to write this up, and was bopping back and forth betwee
the admin console pages and dialogs. Somehow I locked it up. I coul
not log in through ftp. When I went in through the network share
all my files were missing. Reset through the admin console di
nothing. I thought I'd flushed all my files. Removing power from th
NAS box and powering it back up restored things to normal. Therefore
when you have changed the port and cannot get in, try removing th
power and restoring it and see if that helps
You should get it working first using the desired alternate port an
a fixed IP with the NAS on the same subnet as the ftp client. Onl
then place it where you have to go through the router to get to it
and you will know that any configuration problems are in the router
I've done everything exactly as you said before with the exception o
doing the hard reboot so I'll give that a shot tonight as well. Ca
you connect to the FTP from an outside line like from work or
friends house? Reason I ask is that I can sit there on my couch an
connect using the outside IP address just fine on any port, but whe
I try it from work or have a couple of my buddies try from Indiana o
North Carolina they are unable to "fully" connect. I sa
that b/c it will appear that you can log in but then it neve
displays the folder directory to upload/download files...