ARGOSY - HD363N - Network Storage

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobVal
  • Start date Start date
So where do you get the -1216 firmware from, as I can opnly se -1013 on the website

Five posts before this one, on the bottom of page 18, Quest posted th
link to get the 006-1216 firmware from Argosy's Tiwan websit

What firmware is your HD363N using
If I remember right there was a problem with earlier firmware no
properly handling changing the FTP port from 21. If it is no
already, you should upgrade to at least 006-1013 and see if you stil
have your ftp problem. I cannot get Firefox to upgrade the firmwar
properly, although others report no problems, but IE has alway
worked for me. There is also brand new firmware, 006-1216, available
See previous posts for links to it
Ok, I uploaded the new firmware and tried ftp-ing to the HDD and
still cannot log on to it on any other port than 21. I triead por
50,000 forwarded the range of 49000-52000 w/ TCP protocol and i
never logs in. But like I said I switch it to the standard FTP por
21 and it works fine. Is there a setting on the router i'm missin
for using the other port? The router log shows the IP and th
destination port but nothing other than that
OK, mine works OK with a different FTP port, but I am not goin
through a router
I would suggest that temporarily you put the NAS on the same subnet a
the PC with the FTP client, so you don't have to go through a route
to get to it.

I am using 006-1216 firmware, and WSft
I have it configured for a fixed IP address
I went into FTP Service in the administration console
I checked Enable under FTP server, and left the port at 21 to star
with, then did [Apply]
I clicked the [Add Account] button, entered the account name, an
clicked [Add
I selected the new account from the list, and clicked [Modif
I entered the password, checked Enable and Read Only and hit [Modify
I moved some shares from the right hand column to the left b
selecting them and pressing [<-Add

I created a profile on WsFTP, using the numeric IP address, th
account name, and password, and it logged in and I browsed som

I went to the FTP Service page of the admin console and changed th
port to 4000, and hit [Apply

WSftp would not log in with port 21. I changed WSftp to port 400
under the advanced tab of the profile, logged in, and browsed som
files just fine

Then I went to write this up, and was bopping back and forth betwee
the admin console pages and dialogs. Somehow I locked it up. I coul
not log in through ftp. When I went in through the network share
all my files were missing. Reset through the admin console di
nothing. I thought I'd flushed all my files. Removing power from th
NAS box and powering it back up restored things to normal. Therefore
when you have changed the port and cannot get in, try removing th
power and restoring it and see if that helps

You should get it working first using the desired alternate port and
fixed IP with the NAS on the same subnet as the ftp client. Only the
place it where you have to go through the router to get to it, an
you will know that any configuration problems are in the router
OK, mine works OK with a different FTP port, but I am not goin
through a router
I would suggest that temporarily you put the NAS on the same subne
as the PC with the FTP client, so you don't have to go through
router to get to it.
I am using 006-1216 firmware, and WSft
I have it configured for a fixed IP address
I went into FTP Service in the administration console
I checked Enable under FTP server, and left the port at 21 to star with, then did [Apply]
I clicked the [Add Account] button, entered the account name, an clicked [Add
I selected the new account from the list, and clicked [Modif Account
I entered the password, checked Enable and Read Only and hi [Modify
I moved some shares from the right hand column to the left b
selecting them and pressing [<-Add
I created a profile on WsFTP, using the numeric IP address, th
account name, and password, and it logged in and I browsed som
I went to the FTP Service page of the admin console and changed th port to 4000, and hit [Apply

WSftp would not log in with port 21. I changed WSftp to port 400
under the advanced tab of the profile, logged in, and browsed som
files just fine
Then I went to write this up, and was bopping back and forth betwee
the admin console pages and dialogs. Somehow I locked it up. I coul
not log in through ftp. When I went in through the network share
all my files were missing. Reset through the admin console di
nothing. I thought I'd flushed all my files. Removing power from th
NAS box and powering it back up restored things to normal. Therefore
when you have changed the port and cannot get in, try removing th
power and restoring it and see if that helps
You should get it working first using the desired alternate port an
a fixed IP with the NAS on the same subnet as the ftp client. Onl
then place it where you have to go through the router to get to it
and you will know that any configuration problems are in the router

I've done everything exactly as you said before with the exception o
doing the hard reboot so I'll give that a shot tonight as well. Ca
you connect to the FTP from an outside line like from work or
friends house? Reason I ask is that I can sit there on my couch an
connect using the outside IP address just fine on any port, but whe
I try it from work or have a couple of my buddies try from Indiana o
North Carolina they are unable to "fully" connect. I sa
that b/c it will appear that you can log in but then it neve
displays the folder directory to upload/download files...
I've done everything exactly as you said before with the exception of
doing the hard reboot so I'll give that a shot tonight as well. Can
you connect to the FTP from an outside line like from work or a
friends house? Reason I ask is that I can sit there on my couch and
connect using the outside IP address just fine on any port,

This needs clarification. You connect to ftp box using outside IP?
What is an "outside IP"? Public IP of your router?
What's your network setup? Is it:
internet - cable/dsl modem - router - local network devices
so IP's are:
internet - router Public IP - router Private IP - (FTP box IP; PC IP)

Therefore you probably meant that from PC IP you have connected
susscessfully using "router Public IP:FTP port"?
That's not a valid test. You need someone with internet Public IP try to
access "router Public IP:FTP port". Not from your local network.
Yes, the 1216 firmware looks good. No Set-EOF woes and so far ever
other test I use passes with flying colors

I wonder if anyone will try some PST file test cases that used t
[quote:536acd0ad5]I've done everything exactly as you said befor
with the exception o
doing the hard reboot so I'll give that a shot tonight as well. Ca
you connect to the FTP from an outside line like from work or
friends house? Reason I ask is that I can sit there on my couc an
connect using the outside IP address just fine on any port
This needs clarification. You connect to ftp box using outside IP
What is an "outside IP"? Public IP of your router
What's your network setup? Is it
internet - cable/dsl modem - router - local network device
so IP's are
internet - router Public IP - router Private IP - (FTP box IP; PC IP

Therefore you probably meant that from PC IP you have connecte
susscessfully using "router Public IP:FTP port"
That's not a valid test. You need someone with internet Public IP tr
access "router Public IP:FTP port". Not from your loca
but whe
I try it from work or have a couple of my buddies try from Indian o
North Carolina they are unable to "fully" connect. I sa
that b/c it will appear that you can log in but then it neve
displays the folder directory to upload/downloa

I apologize if I'm not using the proper terminology I do not do thi
everyday thus I am explaining it the best way I know how. But as fa
as my setup goes I have cable modem->Wireless Linksys router->t
the NAS box also have a personal computer at home. When I state
outside IP I meant the IP of the router assigned by Comcast, not th
IP of my local network. I can connect at home w/ FlashFXP o
SmartFTP, I am able to connect from work but the public shared folde
does not show up. The last setup I tried was setting the NAS FTP t
port 50000 and used a static IP of 192.,168.1.116 with a gateway o On the router I forwarded ports 49000 to 51000 to th
I apologize if I'm not using the proper terminology I do not do this
everyday thus I am explaining it the best way I know how.

No problem. Try to learn a few things by reading a lot.
But as far
as my setup goes I have cable modem->Wireless Linksys router->to
the NAS box also have a personal computer at home. When I stated
outside IP I meant the IP of the router assigned by Comcast, not the
IP of my local network.

That is your "Public IP" address. The one valid on Internet (Public)
I can connect at home w/ FlashFXP or
SmartFTP, I am able to connect from work but the public shared folder
does not show up.

That is because your FTP box invites a further communication on a different
For some servers that port range is customizable. For HD363N - I don't know.
That's why I have asked you to look in a router firewall log; to see what
port ftp client is trying to use.
The last setup I tried was setting the NAS FTP to
port 50000 and used a static IP of 192.,168.1.116 with a gateway of On the router I forwarded ports 49000 to 51000 to the

Why did you decide to open 49000-51000 range? That has nothing to do with
setting control port to 50000.
You can open any ports you want, but they have to coincide with a
"server-side port of the data connection".

Otherwise further communication is blocked. Readup:
and for MS IIS FTP (not applicable to your HD263N):
Hi Guys,

I have been following this particular thread on this forum for ages
and is been of so so much help. Its amazing how everyone tries to
help out on others problems with the simple Nas device and NAS in
general. Keep the great work up.

I do have a little problem here myself. I have had the Argosy HD363N
drive for sometime now, running the The Argosy 1013 firmware and it
works flawlessly, however i have been having this one problem with my

When ever i transfer files from work to the house where i have the
Argosy HD363N some files get corrupted, some partly and some are ok.
I'm not sure what is causing this problem. I just installed The
Argosy 006-1216 firmware today and i'll try again.

I have a linksys WRT54GS router with FTP Port 21 forwarded. I'm able
to connect perfectly from anywhere. Please let me know if anyone is
having the same issues and how they fixed. Any help will be so much
appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I have exactly identical problem with FTP
When I copies files from my work on ftp on HD363N this all it is seem
In house I download these files and it turns that I can not them open

The size of files are identical like original
I have the newest firmware 1216. Router 3Com DSL / Gatewa

What can be problem

Nedalwrote Hi Guys

I have been following this particular thread on this forum for age
and is been of so so much help. Its amazing how everyone tries t
help out on others problems with the simple Nas device and NAS i
general. Keep the great work up
I do have a little problem here myself. I have had the Argosy HD363
drive for sometime now, running the The Argosy 1013 firmware and i
works flawlessly, however i have been having this one problem with m
When ever i transfer files from work to the house where i have th
Argosy HD363N some files get corrupted, some partly and some are ok
I'm not sure what is causing this problem. I just installed Th
Argosy 006-1216 firmware today and i'll try again
I have a linksys WRT54GS router with FTP Port 21 forwarded. I'm abl
to connect perfectly from anywhere. Please let me know if anyone i
having the same issues and how they fixed. Any help will be so muc
appreciated. Thanks in advance
I'm not sure what the problem is, but i kinda gave up on it. Its a bi
annoying but if its a problem with the firmware, i hop it get
rectified soon

I have e-mailed ARGOSY about it. Waiting for their reply. If i fin
out anything, i'll let you know. In the mean tme, i'll keep checkin
back here incase someone had this problem and found a solution

Let me know if you find out anything new
It's been awhile, so I thought I'd pop in and see what's new in this
thread ... glad to see Argosy has continued to release firmware
updates, and the end of file issue has been fixed.

As for the questions about FTPing, I'd suggest trying a tool called
Beyond Compare (at; it has a fully
functional 30 day trial. With this tool, you can compare the files
on an FTP site to another location on your machine. I use it at work
a lot to maintain an FTP site we provide to our customers. FYI.
Guys - I have (for the moment) a Bytecc ME-850. The SYS command

login: admin
Password: ****************
LANDISK,Telnet Server [release 2.0]
Host Name:LANDISK Firmware:LANDISK 019
Hardware Version : 0008 Speed 125Mhz
Firmware build date(YYYY/MM/DD): 2005/7/15
Timers: 11 In use, 13 free
Primary DNS x.x.x.xSecondary DNS y.y.y.y
System time: 2005/10/15 19:29:25 Time count 11397
log file C:\LOG.TXT, maximum length 0, log function on
Debug level 1

I cant login with Telnet to my V-Gear Landisk :(
This ist my String: telnet

i try it with many ports but it doesnt works...
Maby you can help me?
You used to be able to telnet into the Tritton/Argosy NAS
With recent firmware you can no longer do that

The firmware that came in my box was accessible via telnet, but 6-101
and later are not. I ran a port scanner on it, and the only ports tha
are open now are the FTP and HTTP ports. I think maybe they don't wan
people poking around in their system

Perhaps your Landisk is the same, and simply does not allow telne
I put the HD363N FTP service on Por
1720, the port presumably dedicated to NetMeetin
(which I don't use).

[b:7beb487892]Fix the IP[/b:7beb487892] Configuration t
[b:7beb487892]STATIC[/b:7beb487892] (not DHCP) inside your loca
network so it doesn't get changed by the router. I set mine to th
internal xx.xx.xx.60 and my router assigns addresses starting a
xx.xx.xx.100 so it won't conflict in case the HD36N is not on whe
the router is reset and computers are turned on. It's a detail

Then [b:7beb487892]setup your router to forward por
1721[/b:7beb487892] to xx.xx.xx.60 in my case, or whatever you se
for the fixed IP address of the HD36N

The network mask is 255.255.255.

The Gateway is your router IP, typically xx.xx.xx.

The Primary and Secondary DNS can be found on
the router status page, or looking at the Network Connectio
information on some computer in your network

You'll need DNS if you use the automatic clock setting using SNT
to set the clock in the HD36N (a great feature)

Then you can select Date/Time and change to SNTP Aut
and use the time server of your choice. I use clock.isg.or

I have some users specified with associated folders, an
this unit also allows a PUBLIC (anonymous) connectio
that goes to a specific folder (PUBLIC)

And [b:7beb487892]I haven't yet upgraded to the lates
firmware[/b:7beb487892], whic
I'll do after writing down all my settings in case th
firmware update resets the HD36N.

Maybe someone can post the answer to

[b:7beb487892]My Question: Ddoes upgrading the firmware from 1013 t
1216 reset all the permissions, etc.??[/b:7beb487892

I hope this helps someone


Are you able to upload and download file to NAS from outside you
network without any file corruption issues ?

Normaly when when i download and files from NAS outside my networ
everything is fine, but uploading from outside my network corrupt
some of my files. Sometimes the same file doesn't get corrupted whe
i upload it again later. Uploading locally is fine

Please let me know if you experience the same issues

You might try putting an FTP server on your pc and see if that has th
same problem. If it does, you know that it is in your cable modem
router, and if it does not, you will know it is in the NAS itself.
have found the Guild FTP daemon to be a nice freeware one
Nedal - No, no such problems with errors to the drive. I have two o
them, one at each of my residences, that I use for friends, and fo
myself to move files around, put work-in-progress files there, etc.
and never had a problem with file corruption

But here's what I found got fixed with the 1215 Argosy firmware (i
might have been mentioned before but I missed it

Firmware 1013 Time was 1 hour off when Daylight Savings time box wa
checked (at least that was my experience). The time shown on the TIM
screen for the owner administration differed by 1 hour from the tim
(hours) shown when one created a directory on the drive. Now, th
1215 firmware fixes that - what is shown as the time in th
administrative 'web page' is the same as what the drive will use as
subdirectory time when a new directory is created. This makes backu
programs a lot happier

It makes sense that different 'brands' of HD363N all work fine wit
HD363N Firmware update from Argosy, that is NOT available from th
taiwanese manufacturer directly

Thanks a lot guys, i'll give all your suggestions a try and give yo
feed back

I appreciate your help