I responded to Steve's suggestions.... I downloaded Thunderbird2. Windows
Mail is obsolete????? HOW do we learn about these things??? I get no
notifications, although I signed up with Microsoft for something...it's been
awhile, so I have no idea what it was - some sort of newsletter, but I've
never received anything. I don't come to the forums very often, in fact,
very rarely. I'll take a look at it. Thanks.
I responded to Steve's suggestions.... I downloaded Thunderbird2. Windows
Mail is obsolete????? HOW do we learn about these things??? I get no
notifications, although I signed up with Microsoft for something...it's been
awhile, so I have no idea what it was - some sort of newsletter, but I've
never received anything. I don't come to the forums very often, in fact,
very rarely. I'll take a look at it. Thanks.