Are really that dense? I know what you said.
Yes, you did. And quite well too. Now, if you were only able to read and
comprehend it we'd have no problem.
Everything you said is already well known or just plan incorrect. So
there is nothing else to comprehend.
Listen very carefully. I said a third of the O.S. would be 'missing' (I.E.
not available, inaccessible.) since, if the C: drive isn't working (your
criteria of "the C: drive going down"), the files on the C: drive would not
be accessible. NOT that the files would be "missing from the C: drive."
Any dummy would have long ago understood one of the several times I've
had to convey that I'm *not* talking about spreading the O.S. over
three drives. How many more times do I have to repeat that?
That was based on your description of, somehow, having 'the O.S. on three
drives', and not RAIDed or else you'd have said RAIDed.
No it wasn't. It was based on your whatever is going on in your
I've seen their 'understanding' and it's essentially the same as mine.
I'm sure they will appreciate that insult.
A 'copy' is not 'the O.S.' It's a 'copy' of 'the O.S.'. And I can
understand copies just fine if you had the sense to simply SAY a freaking
copy instead of 'have the O.S. on three drives'.
It would not have made a difference, because you would have still
taken it to mean "spread" over three drives. And since you mentioned
it, everyone who has a an O.S. on their PC is said to have a "copy" of
the O.S. on their PC. Even the biggest moron would know that. So this
is further proof that you are just having a grand old time starting
arguments over nothing. Go harass someone else. I'm sure you can fin
plenty of threads to target.
No, as imprecise as it would be to say you "have 'the O.S.' on three
computers" I'd know because any other interpretation is even more silly.
"Know"? You obviously don't because you keep arguing the issue.
However, stripping 'the O.S.' across drives is quite normal for a RAID setup.
You didn't use ANY descriptive words, not copy, not striping, not anything,
which is the problem.
No, again you are the problem. I'm not going to draw you pictures
because you feel like you want to argue.
I have LOTS of things on multiple drives. Care to 'guess' what the hell I
mean by that? Because that's what YOU expect when you say things like "have
the O.S. on three drives."
This thread was targeted toward intelligent people. Not you.
I admit to not being a mind reader.
Which you would have to be in or to overcome your problem with
understanding what comes easily to others.
Obviously we'll be at this for the next 50 years.
Of course it occurred to me. I even listed that as one of many
possibilities that occurred to me. What the hell YOU had in mind was an
unanswered question which, of course, you didn't bother to mention until
you felt it might be fun to throw more insults.
If it occurred to you, then you did you ask, "And what is so 'obvious'
about someone being nutty enough to want 4 "complete" COPIES of their
OS on 4 drives?"
This is further proof that you are just trying your best to be a pest.
If you are concerned with 'drives going down' then you'd be better off with
a RAID5 array rather than separate bootable copies of the O.S. on each
drive. A three drive RAID5 uses less space, meaning more room for your
other data, and operates seamlessly even during a single drive failure
without even a 'boot' needed (except for drive replacement if you don't
have hot swap capability).
No. And I'm not going to bother telling you why "RAID5" is not an
option for me, because I knoiw it is just bait for you to start
another issue.
Oh really? I guess that's why it's so commonly done, eh?
You're wrong again. It is *not* commonly done.
I didn't say "striping" there. I was talking about your claim of "the O.S.
on three drives" with no explanation of what it means and that if you meant
RAID you'd have SAID RAID; an assumption I now freely admit was foolish in
your case.
In the way you used the word "spreading", it is a term that is used in
place of, or means the same as "striping". (Duh)...
Which indicates you still don't know what RAID is.
RAID has nothing to do with my goals, and I never mentioned that term.
So this is obviously your way of trying to start a new argument over
something that I didn't say.
No one, not even I, can read your mind.
You can't understand simple concepts either.
The reason they're not asking is they've given up trying to help you.
They are not asking because they already know the answers. And they've
already helped me come to my conclusions. You're just here trying to
be a pain.
No one, not even I, can 'comprehend' what you don't explain.
Well, whatever I don't explain(or am not asked about)is not meant to
be comprehended.
Is that what you are attempting to do? You need to take your hand off
of your johnson and get out more.
Why don't you take a poll of how many people keep three, soon to be 4 from
what you said, fully bootable, non-RAID, duplicate copies of their O.S. on
separate drives to see how much sense it makes.
It's none of your business if I want to keep a copy of my O.S. on
*all* of my drives. I've alreaded stated my reason and it is a good
one. I'd rather take a poll of how many think you are a troll.
You asked the stupid question, "And just how are you going to
automagically, and instantly, transfer the operating system to
something else so it runs when you 'shutdown' the C: drive?"
I attempted to convey that it is possible to have an operating system
on multiple drives by saying that, "My first system had the OS on all
three drives." I did *not* say "spread" across three drives.
Since your (stupid)question involved how my system would work without
access to the "C" drive, it would be obvious to a normal person who
knows that the entire O.S. is needed for operation, that there would
be a "copy of the OS on each of the four hard drives in the *new*
system I want to build."
Even after I explained this in different words so many times, you kept
arguing the point and obviously will continue to do so. You've argued
over the word "copy", my intent to have the O.S on separate drives,
that I didn't explain myself to your satisfaction, "Spreading" vs.
"striping", and have now introduced RAID5 as an argument.
You sir are the biggest idiot I've ever come across on the newsgroups.
Get a dose of reality.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.