Is it really possible to "Quarantine" three system hard drives from a
single hard drive when that hard drive is used for internet related
purposes?(The idea is to keep them from from viruses, hacking, ect.).
There was a retail product called "Hard Drive Sherrif" that might help you.
I always thought a nice product would be a big red switch and a
modification of defrag. You decide, with some assistance from the
software, which files you don't want changed, probably forever.
The software moves all those to one side of "the fence." Things
that you are expecting to change are kept on the other side of "the
fence." When it is finished moving files it asks you to flip the
switch. Then any attempt to write on the wrong side of the fence
results in a disk write error and it doesn't do the write. No
software can then flip that switch, and that is the essential part
of providing that security. (It actually wouldn't be too difficult
for a company to build such a product)
It would seem to me that a substantial fraction of your hard drive
is stuff that you likely very very rarely want to change, and if
something does try to change that then it is almost certainly a
bug or a virus. (Now if Microsoft just didn't need to patch their
code every week we would be set!)