Zorin 64bit Ultimate

:thumb:Thanks for Those words of advice Abarbarian. Well I have got my knickers in a twist over Zorin my inexperience and understanding of Linux I think and not the software its self. Firstly I downloaded Zorin off the net and although they give you the procedure but it is not self explanatory to a non Linux person for example:-

Once the .7z file has downloaded please check the md5sum to make sure that the file is not corrupted. The correctmdsum is ------------------
a) If you use Windows. Check the mmd5sum with Nullnver's WinMD5Sum

:confused:What is that all about we are Windows users and are spoon fed, Ok I downloaded the Nullnver's WinMD5sum but what do I do with it. At that point came to a full stop and just ran the download as to be perfectly honest the instructions were beyond my capability as a home user and self taught Windows user. Any way I ran the download but it was corrupt and some of it ran and some of it did not. I would have downloaded from a DVD but Zorin have run out of run out of the preinstalled DVD's. The trouble is that when I rebooted the drive would not boot so now I have a 1500GB hard drive I cannot use.
Luckly I had Windows on a different drive so I have re installed that. BUT I haven given up I have ordered a DVD with Zorin 9 LTS from Ebay and will have another go when it arrives. Any help from any one will be gratefully received but please in very simple terms as I am only a spoon-fed Windows amateur:eek:.
First off, please recognise that if you intend to use a Linux Distro there are some things you'll have to do for yourself though in my experience it's nothing to get stressed about.

An md5sum is a number used to verify your download is not corrupt. This check is not exclusive to Linux, it's used to check all software downloads.

Google md5sum check and you'll find a whole heap of free software for checking this sum and Wikipedia will have a good explanation of the function.

Wherever you downloaded your distro from should also have an md5sum check number for that download. Copy & paste it to a text or Word document, save it and remember where you saved it to.

Open the software (I use one from years ago simply called MD5sum Check, it doesn't install, you just open it from the *.exe file) and enter the number you've saved into the relevant section of the software.

If you're using a disc with a distro on it then point the software at that disk. It it's a downloaded file then do the same. Click the relevant compare button in the software and it will compare the md5sum check number with your distro and tell you whether it's good or bad.

Personally I don't load distros from a file on a hard disk, I'll always use a CD or DVD disk cos they're so cheap (between 10 and 25p) or a USB stick.

Your 1.5Tb drive will need formatting.

Whatever you do, take your time and read everything.

By now we know you have been spoon fed Windows and that you taught yourself how to use it. Linux on a simple level is really not that different. Certainly, using Mint 17 once it's installed is as easy, if not easier, than using Windows and from Zorin's self-promotional blurb it seems that is also the case with Zorin.

Before you go ahead and do something please make sure you fully understand what you're up to, take your time and if you need help - ask here. Or you could browse any one of a hundred Linux forums to find what you're looking for.

Don't give up and good luck with your installation.
well, I've heard about 'md5sum check' Googled for info, got totally confused and just ignored it. Saved me one patch of hair.

You do need to read, read, and, read some more ... did I mention you will be doing a lot of reading. :)

If you prize your sanity, pop the Windows DVD into the drive and reboot. Job done!!

I have never used the 'direct from HD install'', always "burned" the Distro to a CD/DVD ... ISO Burner is a great asset, Google/Read all about it, a good notch to have on your belt.

We can't hold your hand as we can with Windows, each Linux Distro tries to be a bit different and there are, basically, 4 main Linux variants, and then there is UBuntu/KuBuntu, which is a variant from one of the 4.

All we can mainly do is, give moral support, I can highly recommend the guys over at ... http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showforum=14

good luck, keep posting, it's good to rant. :thumb:
:DThanks for your help and encouragement Flops and Mr Mucks. The DVD I ordered late yesterday afternoon arrived in the post at 1200hrs and I was not expecting it until Monday well done Ebay.:thumb: I will clear my head and have another go today and let you know how I get on.;)
:user::thumb::lol::bow::cheers:WHOOPEE now we are rockin and rolin just downloaded the 32bit version of Zorin 9 core ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. I have downloaded it on to a spare drive from the DVD from Ebay and all the updates. Now I will download my music files.:dance::lol::lol::D:D. First impressions are is that is a lot faster and looks better than W7. Now to test all of it and see how it goes. Will WCG download without any trouble do you know. I have to say so far it is the Bees Knees.:thumb::thumb::thumb: