ZoneAlarm ver 5.0.590.015

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard Urban
  • Start date Start date
Gor blimey, Guvnor, I've been rumbled!


Bullwinkel J. Moose said:
Your apology accepted (to make you happy.) I still don't know what "sussed"
(e-mail address removed)
Remove "Nospam" when e-mailing
Well you without problems are lucky. I have had many problems with it and
was advised by ZA's tech support to go back to version 4. It caused
problems with Norton's email protection, an HP printer driver, chkdsk, and
who knows what else.

I know on 3 of my machines, all running either XPP or XP Home I had
identical problems. So those who have experienced no problems are lucky.
Sorry if these things have been said before but I can't seem to find the
start of this thread to follow it sequentially. So if it hadn't been said I
wanted to make sure others were aware of these downfalls with version 5.
Nope. It most certainly does NOT work as it should. Still interfering badly
with some server progs.
Bullwinkel J. Moose said:
zone alarm ver. 5.0.590.043 has everything fixed except the printer

No, it doesnt. Some progs that act as servers certainly cannot work with it.
They do the old lockup thing that the first V5.x update caused.
for which an update is due very soon. I'm not having any problems with it or
my printer. I suggest you download the latest version. If you have .015
update to .043.

No, dont do that. Bad idea at the moment.
Don MI said:
Version 5.0.590.043 fixing the problem may be system specific. It did for
you, it did not for me.

Run any progs that act as servers? I do and it wont get on with them.
Bullwinkel J. Moose said:
I suggest you go onto their website and report what you have found. They run
an active newsgroup with company supervision. They should be told of your
situation and problems with their new version.

They already know about it. I have emailed them on the problem a number of
times yet nothing has come of it other than to revert to the last V4.x
version. Not helpful really as I PAID for the damned prog as I run a home
LAN and need the paid version to allow that.

Not likely to pay for it when time comes due THIS time if they haven't fixed
it soon.
Interrogative said:
..... Not helpful really as I PAID for the damned prog as I run a home
LAN and need the paid version to allow that.

Not likely to pay for it when time comes due THIS time if they haven't fixed
it soon.

Same here, licence due in 3 weeks but I'm going to stick with V4.5 and not renew.
SP2 will be out soon, I'll see what the new Windows firewall has to offer.
Interrogative said:
No, it doesnt. Some progs that act as servers certainly cannot work with it.
They do the old lockup thing that the first V5.x update caused.

So ZA is responsible for my server lockup issues also?
I didn't realise it was the problem until now. I new it caused the defrag/disk scan problem.
I've gone back to V4.5 and all is well again but I'm not renewing my ZA Pro licence, I'll
look for an alternative.
Yeah, I asked their support if it were fixed when they recently came out
with an update for version 5 and they still advise, for those who have
problems, to stick with the latest version of 4 that is available.
Bob Byrne said:
So ZA is responsible for my server lockup issues also?

I really dont know about YOUR server lockups to be honest but MINE, yes! The
only true test was for me to go back to the last V4.x that came out and then
my server probs went away. Try that for yourself.
I didn't realise it was the problem until now. I new it caused the defrag/disk scan problem.
I've gone back to V4.5 and all is well again but I'm not renewing my ZA Pro licence, I'll
look for an alternative.

Worth looking. I am of the same opinion right now. I await a fix from ZA but
their history in that dept hasn't lead me to be hopeful.
Bob Byrne said:
Same here, licence due in 3 weeks but I'm going to stick with V4.5 and not renew.
SP2 will be out soon, I'll see what the new Windows firewall has to offer.

That was what I was thinking, too. Not at all happy with the idea of the XP
firewall as it is right now but then I am the type who likes to read logs!

I know that quite a lot of commercial firewalls are basically not up to the
job and the idea that you can hide safely behind a router without worrying
went out with the Ark. So, going to look into finding NEW names. It still
annoys me that Atguard sold out to Symantec to become the NIS firewall. It
was such a GOOD prog before they got hold of it.
That was what I was thinking, too. Not at all happy with the idea of the XP
firewall as it is right now but then I am the type who likes to read logs!

I got ZA primarily because you have total control including programs that want to
send info out not just the stuff that's trying to get in. Particulary programs that want
server permission.
According to SP2 beta testers I've spoken to you can control programs that want
to act as a server without having to have extensive knowledge of firewalls.
It asks if you want to allow access much the way ZA does.