However, I did find something strange related to the test files. I
use Firefox for my browser. As the eicar site said, some people have
problems downloading the file. I did, so I used the
file (after renaming it).
Of course, if you have the realtime monitor enabled, KAV will prevent from being copied to your drive. Maybe you're using some
later version that doesn't allow you to disable it? I'm only familiar
witrh good 'ol version 3.5 that gives users great flexibility in the
use of the scanner.
Kaspersky did not detect the 'virus' in the file, but found it
in the other files.
It's not clear here whether you mean scanning on demand after
downloading or that the realtime monitor failed to prevent you
from downloading just that one file.
But KAV did not give me a choice of what to do with it.
Only that it had been detected.
Again, good 'ol version 3.5 gives you an option when the realtime
monitor pops up its alert.
I decided to try to download the files using IE. I could not download or the files. No problem with the zip files. Here is
where the strange part comes into play. KAV did find the 'virus' in both zip
Well, the only difference I know of is that the point of interception
is different between IE and the Gecko browsers. That is to say,
with IE, the folder the downloaded temp file goes to is some IE
temporary content folder, and with the Gecko browsers it's
C:\windows\temp (on my Win 9x/ME PCs).
I did this three times, downloading the files with both Firefix and IE.
There was even a reboot over the 14 or so hour time period I was playing
with this. Each time, KAV would find the 'virus' in the file
that I had downloaded through IE. Each time, it failed to find it in the
downloads through Firefox.
Something strange going on, but I don't have a clue.
Again, I'm a litle confused by your description. It seems you're
saying that when you use FF, that KAV doesn't intercept and
block the download (actually the copy) but it does when you use IE?
I have no idea why that would happen. It certainly shouldn't.
To avoid confusion, I suggest that you download all the different
versions of to a empty folder and scan them on-demand.
Keep your realtime monitor off, if you can. That would give you
a baseline as to what KAV detects. It should alert on all the various
forms (six I think) as long as you have both archive scanning and "all
files" selected in the options.
Again, I'm at a disadvantage since I use the older version of KAV
and you probably don't. I guess newer versions have taken a lot
of control and options out of the hands of users. That would drive
me nuts