John Corliss
And yes, this is on topic because Sun Microsystems' Java is freeware:
And yes, this is on topic because Sun Microsystems' Java is freeware:
Soon even this will be obsolete:
may be it will be first pay-ware, than free-ware and finally
see also: http://washingtontimes.com/national/20031217-115051-5373r.htm
An injectable ID chip, also called a biochip transponder, is an
electronic device that is inserted under the skin of an animal to
provide the animal with a unique identification number. Injectable ID
chips, which are less painful, faster to implement, and more
cost-effective than ear-tags, brands, or tattoos, have been used to
identify livestock animals such as pigs, sheep, cows, and horses for
over a decade.
John Corliss said:Yet another reason to uninstall Java.
And yes, this is on topic because Sun Microsystems' Java is freeware:
"Interesting"? Down right scary i'd say. I would also say as well what
he is proposing is tatamount to corporate control of the internet along
with end user hardware. I'd not have that.
John Corliss said:And yes, this is on topic because Sun Microsystems' Java is
JanC said:This has nothing to do with Java "an sich".
Similar technologies exist on every possible computing platform (even on
your antique Commodore 64 or ZX Spectrum if you really wish).
Wald said:
Maybe this whole computer thing was a bad idea in the first place. Could
the Unabomber have been right about technology all along? (Hey! I'm not
talking about what he chose to DO about technology!) But the future I can
see just over the horizon doesn't look all that great.
Bob said:As long as we are free to choose, we need not fear technology.
John Corliss said:And yes, this is on topic because Sun Microsystems' Java is freeware:
Paranoia will destroy ya! My spin is let them try. There will be
alternatives to those who don't wish to be "Authenticated".
John said:However, I am very much aware that my OEM version of Microsoft
Millennium Edition is linked to a personal identifier hidden in my
BIOS. The copy of the OS can't be installed on any other computer but
this one.
However, when fu**ing Microsoft thinks they can take control of my
computer to further their own ends, that's when I dump their asses for
Linux and go on a campaign to promote that alternative OS.
The problem is that this will be a death by a thousand cuts. Each
incremental change won't be all THAT bad. And reasonable people will quite
reasonably think that the particular change in question is not a major
issue. Certainly not one to make a stand over or have your friends think
you are some sort of kook over.
This is how freedom of speech was lost on the modern college campus.
JunkMonkey said:I find this thread . . . well I find, ALL the things/concepts/questions that
this thread brings up to be incredibly disturbing. I'll be damned if I buy
a PC with this sort of technology. I don't need downloadable music THAT
bad! And I sure as hell won't allow some stinkin' id chip into my body.
Those people are morons!
Maybe this whole computer thing was a bad idea in the first place. Could
the Unabomber have been right about technology all along? (Hey! I'm not
talking about what he chose to DO about technology!) But the future I can
see just over the horizon doesn't look all that great.
donutbandit said:But I didn't see anything in the article that said it would be mandatory in
order to continue using Sun Java.
Let them do it. Like so many others before them (RealNetworks comes to mind
very easily) they are smelling the money trail. And someone will create
open source Java and we will be done with Sun. (I'm a poet and don't know
computer to further their own ends, that's when I dump their asses for