The way I talk annoys most people
) especially when I am this tired I have
been playing continuum (which is free http://www.metalgearctf.com/) too much
) and I do like all the software mentioned in this post and do not mean to
make people fizzle. I do also walk a fine line between free and share, many
developers do.
I am thinking of adding a limited keyboard mapper but do not want to yet.
atm people are just telling me what ones it needs and I usually add them.
Thx for noticing that... Shift is sometimes wrong in the help I must of kept
typing it instead of Ctrl. It is Ctrl+NumPlus same as explorer. and Ctrl+{
and Ctrl+}

been playing continuum (which is free http://www.metalgearctf.com/) too much

make people fizzle. I do also walk a fine line between free and share, many
developers do.
I am thinking of adding a limited keyboard mapper but do not want to yet.
atm people are just telling me what ones it needs and I usually add them.
Thx for noticing that... Shift is sometimes wrong in the help I must of kept
typing it instead of Ctrl. It is Ctrl+NumPlus same as explorer. and Ctrl+{
and Ctrl+}