Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)
Apparently you don't know GoBack!
If you DON"T disable system restore, prior to installing GoBack, the
tremendously huge system restore folder is backed up into the GoBack image,
making it pretty damn useless for anything else. The maximum size of the
GoBack information is 4 gig (doesn't matter what partition format is being
used). System restore information can easily approach that amount.
Give advice when you know, not when you think. Or at least prequallify your
statement with the phrase "I believe".
Richard Urban
aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard
If you DON"T disable system restore, prior to installing GoBack, the
tremendously huge system restore folder is backed up into the GoBack image,
making it pretty damn useless for anything else. The maximum size of the
GoBack information is 4 gig (doesn't matter what partition format is being
used). System restore information can easily approach that amount.
Give advice when you know, not when you think. Or at least prequallify your
statement with the phrase "I believe".
Richard Urban
aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard