Power cycling computers is destructive. For example, a hard
drive listed by manufacturer to be the most failure prone to
power cycling could only withstand 40,000 power cycles. That
means power cycling seven times every day for about 15 years.
Yes power cycling is destructive - because those junk
scientists fear numbers. Apply numbers and we say - "Who
cares!" Power cycling is only destructive if the computer
will be used 20 years later AND is power cycled every day at
least seven times. In short, always first demand numbers
from those junk scientists. They expose themselves as myth
purveyors because they don't have numbers - just a feeling.
Power switch is rated for about 100,000 cycles. Seven times
every day for what? 30 years?
drive listed by manufacturer to be the most failure prone to
power cycling could only withstand 40,000 power cycles. That
means power cycling seven times every day for about 15 years.
Yes power cycling is destructive - because those junk
scientists fear numbers. Apply numbers and we say - "Who
cares!" Power cycling is only destructive if the computer
will be used 20 years later AND is power cycled every day at
least seven times. In short, always first demand numbers
from those junk scientists. They expose themselves as myth
purveyors because they don't have numbers - just a feeling.
Power switch is rated for about 100,000 cycles. Seven times
every day for what? 30 years?