XP SP2 new release date???

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Carey Frisch said:
If there were a SP2a beta testing program, Microsoft MVPs
would be among the first to know about it. Your "tech friends"
are simply pulling your leg!

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!

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| well if MS is not coming out with a sp2a t for XP, hen how come 4 tech
| friends of mine who are microsoft beta testers just received a sp2a to test?
| robin
well you think what you want- I am gonna wait till he emails me back and see
what he says
Maybe you have not just heard yet?
There is no "sp2a".
Directly and indirectly I make contact with many people.
At least a few of which would be aware of a SP-2a even if distribution
is very limited.

Perhaps you should "Call their bluff".
Because either there is a misunderstanding between you and your 4
friends or they are simply trying to fool you.
100% pure fiction.
SP-2 works fine with Norton all versions.
As for Dee hardware, I have not heard unusual comments about Dell

What is the source of this rumour?

Except for Norton 2004 virus. Read some post.

Greg R
if the rumors are so fake then how come someone just
posted help on sp2a?
and also I got the email back from my frriend who never
lies to me and this was his reply
I asked him was this testing coming from MS

"Not sure when release date is, just know they wanted
test result by 17.
Fixes for some drivers for cd's, install problems with
office 2003, and some programing tool problems. There was
others just do not remember.

Yes directly from MS."

maybe you are out of the loop or you were not chosen to
test thsi?

no jupiter i asked him specifically what fixes are coming out for sp2-a and
this is what he told me

I never asked him for office 2003 because i only have office 2002 and that
subject never came up.

well i called MS today and the tech would not confirm or deny that there was
a sp2-a in the works
he would not commit either way
that kind of leads me to feel something is in the works
I am going to wait and see
Or perhaps Dell will release a customised version of the SP2. I heard a
rumour that a company (can't remember which, might be Dell) will release
their own customised one. Therefore, SP2-a could really be SP2-Dell. Don't
quote me on this, I do not have reliable sources.
Will never happen.
They may need to release patches for their computers, but they will
not issue their own version of SP-2.