NoNoBadDog! said:
I accept that there are some who share your viewpoint. My concern is
that Word is more efficient, more intuitive, and therefore more
productive. I value my time, and would rather use a product that
allows me to accomplish my work as quickly and efficiently as
possible. In that regard, Wordperfect just cannot hold a candle to
I completely disagree. My personal view is that it's the other way around
I have no problem with your having a viewpoint different from mine, and as I
said, I know that my view is a minority one. My only complaint with what you
say is that you state your view as if were fact. It's not--it's nothing more
than *your* view, and it's not everyone's view.
My intent is not to get into an argument about which is the better product
(which would be way off-topic here), but to point out that these things are
a matter of opinion, and opinions are are often greatly colored by which
features we use and therefore find most important. So it's also true that
which product is best for *you* (in any product category, not just word
processing) is not necessarily the same as what's best for anyone else.
And finally, let me point out that, because Word is so prevalent, most
WordPerfect users know much more about Word than Word users know about
WordPerfect, and are therefore probably in a better position to judge the
differences between them . For example, I have both installed here. Do you?