XP Home - right click on desktop causes system to "refresh"

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Answer Found !!!

Hello GUys !

I had a Customers computer with the same symptoms . It was upgraded
from Win98SE to Win2000 Pro .

I followed someone here's link to this site
"http://windowsxp.mvps.org/slowrightclick.htm "

and ended up editing the registry to remove entries put there by who
knows what 3rd. party software .

The registry key is

And I removed everything but the original sub-key that is put there by
the installed operating system

The "NEW" sub-key is what should be left there when you are finished
editing the ContextMenuHandlers Key . I actually had four different
Sub-Keys that I didn't recognize and I deleted everything but the
original NEW sub-key .

This is what fixed it for me !

I hope you are able to achieve the same excellent results as I have .

Here is the MVP warning !!! Please do not attempt this at home, if you
are not completely comfortable making Registry Changes.

If you are not familiar with registry edits , Please have a
Professional do it for you !

At the very least , make a Backup of your present Registry , BEFORE you
make any changes . A single line of information deleted from the wrong (
right?) place Can & Will render your Operating System UNUSABLE .

If you have a backup ( preferrably copied to an external storage
location) you will be able to recover from any Registry Editing
Mis-steps .


Please report BACK here if this works for you or you can e-mail me !!!

Ken Tarver ( an 8 bit Tech in a 128 bit World )

([email protected])
I'm afraid I've already tried this, and it didn't work. I did manage to fix
the problem, however. I decided to scrap the whole upgrade process and do a
clean install of Win XP.

I had been having several other problems in addition to this one, and they
all went away with the clean install. Sure, I had to reinstall most of my
applications, but better that than spend a whole bunch more time debugging.