Kate said:message
That is what I feared. I currently use a backup
program which saves
files in its own format, which means that if I need
to restore
anything, I have to use the same software. Nor can I
see or open what
has been saved. I want to back up, say, compressed
.tiffs as
compressed .tiffs, .docs as .docs, etc, so I guess
that I shall have
to manually copy/move what I wish to back up and make
sure I keep
up-to-date, rather than being able to automate it. I
have about 7GB
of data that I want to copy to an external hard
drive. Is
Ctrl+drag-and-drop a reliable method do you know,
please, or can you
recommend a better method?
Thanks for getting back to me.
WinZip still has a free version and works on all
windows versions AFAIK if that's your concern.
Another product, called PowerDesk is great for
keeping files between drives syncced, etc.