Xnews filtering

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
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There is probably somewhere on the net which explains
Perl Regular Expressions. Try Google.

Scoring *is* different from filtering. Filters are temporary, done while
reading the groups; scoring rules are set up in advance (sort of like
"permanent" filters) and operate before the articles are displayed.

There are links in the Xnews manual:



Regex intro (you need regex to write effective scoring rules)

You can also look at the sample-score.ini file in your Xnews directory.
There are some good rules and regex samples there.

If you want to use your score.ini file as a killfilter, you'll need to
turn on "Hard Kill" in the Special menu -- IIRC, it isn't on by default.
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can
someone explain to me how to setup Xnews to filter messages
by subject ? Please talk to me like I'm 4 years old.

Here is a score file (under Special::Edit Score File)


% score file for Xnews
% read scoring.txt for instruction


Score: -9999
Subject: STUART

Score: -9999
Subject: Andrew.Miller

Score: -9999
From: The.Original.Fat

Score: -9999
From: Robert.H

Score: -9999
From: MontrealGuy

Score: -9999
From: Stuart.Brook

Score: -9999
From: TB

Score: -9999
From: Muffy


This will filter out (the -999) users, and subjects.
I'd read the Xnews Help, and search the net for a simple
RegEx tutorial if you want to use filters effectively.

An easy to read RegEx tutorial can be found at

Hope this helps, and good luck.

I'd read the Xnews Help, and search the net for a simple
RegEx tutorial if you want to use filters effectively.

An easy to read RegEx tutorial can be found at

Hope this helps, and good luck.

Thank you Khaled, nice link.
I'm getting more familiar with the scorefile every day now, and have it
pretty much setup the way I want now.
Thanks also to everybody else for shining their light on the subject and
their opinions about the justifiability of thesubject in this or
other newsgroups.
What do you mean by 'carry an extra browser'?

I was fairly happy with IE until I looked at the competition.

I've tried Firefox, and think I'll move to it one day, Istill find it a bit
quair - and thi=ose bookmarks!!

But I do like the IE interface, and was very happy with the Avant shell;
even tho it's still a resource hog. And I've got to have IE on my system.

But ATM my online banking needs IE; there's no point in telling *me* about
security issues, for one, I've never had one, and two, the world is as it

But the history's a mistory to me

The voice of "Rod" drifted in on the cyber-winds,
from the sea of virtual chaos...
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone
explain to me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ?
Please talk to me like I'm 4 years old.

Check in the directory of where Un-Zipped Xnews for the example file
"score.ini.txt", as well as the score section of the "Manual.html,"
and the "PCRE.html" help file. These should get you started.

Also check-out my online File for some active examples:


For further questions about Xnews Scoring ask me (Tech Zero) in
news.software.readers, the official Xnews help group...
The voice of "KHaled" drifted in on the cyber-winds,
from the sea of virtual chaos...
Here is a score file (under Special::Edit Score File)

Unnecessarily long... Try this:

Score:: -9999
Subject: STUART|Andrew Miller
From: The Original Fat|Robert H|MontrealGuy|Stuart Brook|Muffy
Unnecessarily long... Try this:

Score:: -9999
Subject: STUART|Andrew Miller
From: The Original Fat|Robert H|MontrealGuy|Stuart Brook|Muffy

Yes, I just figured out those: "|". Great stuff.
Rod said:
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone explain to
me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ? Please talk to me
like I'm 4 years old.
Xnews help discusses it, I believe. Also, check the scoring.txt file in
the xnews folder. It has an explanation as to how it works. I cloned
that file, changed its name to score.ini and deleted all but an example
of what I wanted to keep and edited that to filter the messages.

Then select Enable file scoring from the Special menu. You can then
edit and reload the score file from the Special menu.
