Xnews filtering

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
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I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone explain to
me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ? Please talk to me
like I'm 4 years old.
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone
explain to me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ?
Please talk to me like I'm 4 years old.

Hello there.

The best place to ask this would be at the news group
Lot's of good reading and links to many Xnews help sites.
Alice said:
Hello there.

The best place to ask this would be at the news group
Lot's of good reading and links to many Xnews help sites.

Thanks, got it already. You got me thinking about something else: you
pointed me to another (very informative) newsgroup. But Xnews is freeware.
So did that make my post in this newsgroup improper ? Or is it OK to ask
these things here but am I better of posting it in news.software.readers ?
Just curious.
Rod said:
But Xnews is freeware.
So did that make my post in this newsgroup improper ?

Or is it OK to ask
these things here but am I better of posting it in news.software.readers ?

Thanks, got it already. You got me thinking about something
else: you pointed me to another (very informative) newsgroup.
But Xnews is freeware. So did that make my post in this
newsgroup improper ? Or is it OK to ask these things here but am
I better of posting it in news.software.readers ? Just curious.

Hello Rod,

Do you generally go to the auto shop to get you
wash telly repaired? Or ask a IE question in a Mozilla group?

I go where the repair experts are. :-)
Do you generally go to the auto shop to get you
wash telly repaired? Or ask a IE question in a Mozilla group?

I go where the repair experts are. :-)

I understand what you're saying. The question just came up as , for
example, there are a lot of Mozilla groups, and still I see long threads
about Mozilla (and Firefox). Just wanted to know what's the proper thing to
do, as in this case I trusted the expertise from the people in this
newsgroup regarding Xnews to be good enough to answer my question. But I
don't want to pollute this newsgroup, hence my question.
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone
explain to me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ?
Please talk to me like I'm 4 years old.

OK, little 4 year old baby boy ... :-) Here is the easiest way:

Go to the screen which lists all the subjects for a particular

At the bottom is a box to enter text (with T on one side and S on the

Put your search text in there. Press enter if you want a threaded

NOTE: Subsequent searches are within previous searches. If you
don't want that then left click the S to start afresh.

When you get to be a big boy on your next birthday then right click
the S when you want to search the From field. Hover over the S to
see the info.

Also try F9.
OK, little 4 year old baby boy ... :-) Here is the easiest way:

Go to the screen which lists all the subjects for a particular

At the bottom is a box to enter text (with T on one side and S on the

Put your search text in there. Press enter if you want a threaded

NOTE: Subsequent searches are within previous searches. If you
don't want that then left click the S to start afresh.

When you get to be a big boy on your next birthday then right click
the S when you want to search the From field. Hover over the S to
see the info.

Also try F9.

I finally understand the whole score-file-thingy now, that's what I really
However your explanation was very clear and informative, my GI-Joe (it's
*not* a doll, it's an action-figure !) even understood it.
Thanks again.
Rod said:
My daddy said something about acting like my own age and told me to stop
f***ing bother him with this new-school crap.

Oh, I see. You have an old-fashioned father, who doesn't understand
anything about computers. I already wondered how a 4-year old was able
to type all kind of stuff in newsgroups, but I think that I understand
this now. You have to take care of your own, your father doesn't
understand what you mean.

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
Do you generally go to the auto shop to get you
wash telly repaired? Or ask a IE question in a Mozilla group?

I go where the repair experts are. :-)

I just did; after my problems with IE6 history which omega/karen and
others tried hard to solve for me without success I went to

microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser because it had been
quoted as a source of a possible cure and got totally ignored - the very
next post (not an answer) was an admonition to folks to google first.

I'd *quoted* bloody google in my post! But *that* post had a number of
smug replies saying "how very true"

An earlier post I saw when subscribing said it was just a hangout for
MVP's to socialise. How very true.

So if that's where the repair experts are, I'll stick here, at least
there are some friendly interested people who may be able to help.

Which sort are you Alice? Brother's keeper or high priest passing by on
the other side?

I understand what you're saying. The question just came up as ,
for example, there are a lot of Mozilla groups, and still I see
long threads about Mozilla (and Firefox). Just wanted to know
what's the proper thing to do, as in this case I trusted the
expertise from the people in this newsgroup regarding Xnews to
be good enough to answer my question. But I don't want to
pollute this newsgroup, hence my question.

You do what you have to do. I just feel it's proper to use the
correct news group to ask certain questions. Thus not adding to
'pollution'. :)
mike said:
An earlier post I saw when subscribing said it was just a hangout for
MVP's to socialise. How very true.

So if that's where the repair experts are, I'll stick here, at least
there are some friendly interested people who may be able to help.

Which sort are you Alice? Brother's keeper or high priest passing by on
the other side?

This sort of stuff is group specific; I'd never suggest anyone went to
an XP group, for example. Or 24hourhelpdesk...
I'd always point XNews/Dialog requests to n.s.r, though, because it is a
very good group. Just like I'd point Free Agent posters to auorfa.

MVP's are to be avoided like the plague; top posting loonies, the lot of
them :-)
jo said:
This sort of stuff is group specific; I'd never suggest anyone went to
an XP group, for example. Or 24hourhelpdesk...
I'd always point XNews/Dialog requests to n.s.r, though, because it is a
very good group. Just like I'd point Free Agent posters to auorfa.

MVP's are to be avoided like the plague; top posting loonies, the lot of
them :-)
Thanks for the info, jo, but can you suggest anywhere to try? I don't want
to carry an extra browser, and I'm fairly happy with IE, except for the dam
history, which I use a lot, and need for one or two things

mike said:
Thanks for the info, jo, but can you suggest anywhere to try? I don't want
to carry an extra browser, and I'm fairly happy with IE, except for the dam
history, which I use a lot, and need for one or two things

Dunno where to try; as you have found: if you go to a MS group you will
be jumped on by MVP's who just want to shake their ego's at you.

What do you mean by 'carry an extra browser'?

I was fairly happy with IE until I looked at the competition.
I feel like a complete idiot. Can't get it to work. Can someone
explain to me how to setup Xnews to filter messages by subject ?
Please talk to me like I'm 4 years old.

I presume that you mean that when you have the messages listed,
you want to find only those with a particular subject.
Either Click Filter|Custom Filter or press F9. Enter the
text in there. and click Apply Filter. The gotcha is that
Perl Regular Expressions are used. Thus to find all
Subject Lines containing XP, enter
There is probably somewhere on the net which explains
Perl Regular Expressions. Try Google.

OK, little 4 year old baby boy ... :-) Here is the easiest way:


It's also posible the OP really meant 'scoring'. Good luck trying to
explain *that* at a 4-year-old level. :D
Thanks for the info, jo, but can you suggest anywhere to try? I
don't want to carry an extra browser, and I'm fairly happy with
IE, except for the dam history, which I use a lot, and need for
one or two things

As I understand it, a while back the MVP program was moved to
marketing, whereas it used to be handled by actual developers (or by
their managers, I guess). There are still some good IE MVPs around
last time I looked, but a lot of the good MVPs have drifted away. And
there are newer MVPs who barely know what they are talking about. I
still think the MS newsgroups are the best place to go for help with MS
software, but you have to sift through a lot of noise to find out what
you need. A *lot* of noise, both from users and from MVPs.