1. for FPS games, you have to have a mouse.
If you are competing against other mousers, then this is true but
since you aren't... Also, if you are unwilling to learn using console
controller, it's true but this is user choice, you might as well say
that for FPS games you have to have 36" HDTV and full Dolby Digital
sound setup...
2. for games like AOE, WarcraftIII, PC is the only way to go
True. Here you could say "you have to have a mouse"...
But these games mostly don't need state of the are video adapter,
so you can keep playing them on PC without upgrading...
3. for internet games, PC has far more titles available
True. Also PC gaming is free, XBox Live isn't.
However, it's fair to mention the benefits of XBox online gaming:
- better *online* sports gaming
- much less cheaters even if you play with strangers
- everybody has equal hardware so it's your own skill that matters
- standard, universally supported voice chat
4. for better sound effect, I would not say XBox can compete with my
Creative SB Live.
Depends on the rest of your sound setup. Both can produce about same
quality of sound I think, but average XBox owner is more likely to
have state of the art Dolby Digital sound system for his TV than for
his computer, so for average user XBox likely wipes the floor with his
PC's sound capabilities.
5. you can download game demos before you buy it.
With XBox you can buy OXM and get demo disk. Not free, but still not
expensive either per demo, considering you also get the magazine, plus
no CD burning and re-installation needed if you want to keep the demo.
6. you can get patches for the game titles you purchased. no one game
has no bugs.
False. This is the very reason I no longer play with PC.
Almost all XBox games have no bugs worth mentioning, while most PC
games really need patching up, simply because they can be patched so
developers can release crappy code to be fixed later. There are some
bad apples with XBox too, but so few that avoiding them is no loss.
Also, for Live play, there are some kind of patching options. Like
Unreal Championship is supposed to become much better online after
updating it from Live (no personal experience here).
Now I had spent another few hundred dollars for a new ATI R9800
card. That's the gaming life..
Yeah, that's the _PC_ gaming life...
Console gaming life is a bit different.
Please note, I'm not saying PC gaming is somehow inferior to console
gaming, no way. I'm just commenting on your IMHO false claims.