Check it now - mine went from "Im Process" to "BackOrder", which I
would expect if they were waiting for enough orders to place an order
from their distributor. I'm guessing a week or so of a wait, but as I
don't pay until it ships i'm not concerned if it takes longer..
Of course this could all be a mirage because i'm told that I really
DIDN'T order it at $329.00, there are no cards for sale at $329, and
that the site i'm looking at that SAYS it's $329 isn't really there!!
would expect if they were waiting for enough orders to place an order
from their distributor. I'm guessing a week or so of a wait, but as I
don't pay until it ships i'm not concerned if it takes longer..
Of course this could all be a mirage because i'm told that I really
DIDN'T order it at $329.00, there are no cards for sale at $329, and
that the site i'm looking at that SAYS it's $329 isn't really there!!