Wes Newell said:Open office writer will save files in the following formats; MSword (95,
97, 6.0), RTF, Starwriter, HTML, and of course text and native. I'm almost
certqain that MS word also supports rtf. You can also send the doc as a
PDF file or document.
I don't know anything about Corel Photopaint, but I just downloaded the
linux version. It's huge though. Want it? I'm going to delete it.
94823455 Aug 1 12:54 CorelPHOTOPAINT9LnxRPM.tar.gz
KT133 MB, CPU @2400MHz (24x100): SIS755 MB CPU @2330MHz (10x233)
Need good help? Provide all system info with question.
My server http://wesnewell.no-ip.com/cpu.php
Verizon server http://mysite.verizon.net/res0exft/cpu.htm
Again, many thanks. I cannot foresee my using Linux just at this very
moment, but I will not dismiss it totally, specially since I have just been
retired and will have masses of time in my hands to try out anything and
everything computers and the Internet have to offer. The work I do demand
that I go along with the "mainstream" platforms that others use. Our elder
daughter has been a staunch Mac supporter, but after 10 years' working in an
office where no one else has a Mac, now reports that she will have to defect
to PC. I am looking at what newegg has to offer to buy her one for her
birthday. As for your offer of PhotoPaint, it was very generous of you, but
I'll stick to this one I'm using at the moment - Corel 13.