WTD Something like AdAware for W95




Were you looking for W95 screensaver on another NG?

No, here, actually I'd like a screen blanker, like on my W98 monitor. I am on
alt.w98 about a display problem on the same 486 computer. As I said above, even
the default MS screensaver does not work, so something else is going on.

Mike Sa


No, here, actually I'd like a screen blanker, like on my
W98 monitor. I am on alt.w98 about a display problem on the
same 486 computer. As I said above, even the default MS
screensaver does not work, so something else is going on.

Mike Sa

blanker - WTH is that? (sorry, I can access you prev. posts)

Did you try the old M$ SCRNSAVE (~5 KB, dated March '92)?



jo said:
ms wrote:

What is a screen blanker?

With no screen action (duration set in Display Properties), my screen goes black.
This was automatic in my monitor software. It's not part of the windows
screensaver function. IIRC, used the same function in a TSR on old DOS machines.
I'd like to find it as a program by itself.

Mike Sa


ms said:
Thanks, I'll search for it.

Mike Sa

If you want it, drop me a PVT (sig w/o the 3 caps). It's about
2K zipped.

Reading your other posts .. didn't some monitor makers included
"blankers" on their install floppies?



If you want it, drop me a PVT (sig w/o the 3 caps). It's about
2K zipped.

Reading your other posts .. didn't some monitor makers included
"blankers" on their install floppies?

Probably, but my monitor was new, the 486 is used, no software. It's a given with
garage sale stuff, never any manuals, rarely any software.

Thanks about the zip file, I searched and no luck, just the usual 10,000 other
screensavers full of spyware.

I will email you.

Mike Sa


jo wrote:

With no screen action (duration set in Display Properties), my screen goes black.
This was automatic in my monitor software. It's not part of the windows
screensaver function. IIRC, used the same function in a TSR on old DOS machines.
I'd like to find it as a program by itself.

There's a default Win 95/98 screensaver that did that -- Blank Screen.scr
-- so if you manage to get screensavers functioning you should be able to
use that.


Janice wrote:
A good move. Thanks to this ng over the years, on my W98SE computer, the only MS
program present is the OS, and a lean version of it. I never use the default IE.

I keep a version of IE 5 installed, so I can make sure my webpages work
OK in it and because every now and then I come across a site that just
won't work for me in Mozilla.


If you want it, drop me a PVT (sig w/o the 3 caps). It's about
2K zipped.

Reading your other posts .. didn't some monitor makers included
"blankers" on their install floppies?

Thanks for the file. It is a true screen blanker, I will try it on my W95 computer.

Mike Sa


Janice said:
I keep a version of IE 5 installed, so I can make sure my webpages work
OK in it and because every now and then I come across a site that just
won't work for me in Mozilla.
Same here, I still keep IE 5.01 for what does not work in Firefox.

Mike Sa


Janice said:
There's a default Win 95/98 screensaver that did that -- Blank Screen.scr
-- so if you manage to get screensavers functioning you should be able to
use that.
I don't have it in my W98SE or W95, searched Google, didn't come up with it.
Thanks to J, I now have scrnsave (1992), but this souonds different.

Could you post a link to it as a zip file?


Mike Sa


Janice wrote:
I don't have it in my W98SE or W95, searched Google, didn't come up with it.
Thanks to J, I now have scrnsave (1992), but this souonds different.

Could you post a link to it as a zip file?



Alternatively, if you have a Windows CD or the Windows\Options\Cabs
files, you should be able to get it by going into Windows Setup under
Accessories > Screensavers > Additional Screensavers.


ms said:
AdAware and Spybot do not work on my 486 running W95.

Need something to detect adware/spyware in W95.

Mike Sa


As of today, AdAware SE runs on an old W95 here. Are you
interested in (a PITA) "how-to?"


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