WTD Something like AdAware for W95



AdAware and Spybot do not work on my 486 running W95.

Need something to detect adware/spyware in W95.

Mike Sa


ms said:
AdAware and Spybot do not work on my 486 running W95.

Need something to detect adware/spyware in W95.

Mike Sa

A post on lavasoftsupport forum claims the SE can run on W95.
It needs some (at least one) updated .DLL's



AdAware and Spybot do not work on my 486 running W95.

Need something to detect adware/spyware in W95.

Spybot S&D version 1.3 runs fine on my Win 95 machine.


Rod said:
Mike, there's a workaround for using Adaware in win95, read this thread:


(didn't test this myself)
Thanks to both you folks:
Rod: IIRC when I posted before, you mentioned this link.
I tried with the latest AdAware, 1.05, it kept asking for files, I copied W98
files to W95, no luck. Today, I DL the oldest version 35 from oldversions, will
try it. The thread referred to ver. 6, also they ran W95 OSR2, that may make a
difference as I'm running W95 FE. I have my old OSR2 CD, but hesitate to upgrade
on a very limited computer with 16 MB RAM. How it runs W95 at all is a
miracle/blessing, but for the purpose, it will do.

I guess Adaware was the only utility of that type even in the old days? I don't
recall checking for adware in my W95 days as it was not the issue it is today.

Mike Sa


Janice said:
Spybot S&D version 1.3 runs fine on my Win 95 machine.

You're lucky. Are you running W95, or OSR2?

I no longer have 1.3, but 1.4 loaded once and started asking for files, the second
time it didn't even load. I think it may be more invasive than AdAware.

If anyone has Spybot 1.3 or older in zip format (no install), that I could
download, I would like to try it. It would mean zipping the working folder so you
wind up with a no-install version.

Mike Sa


ms said:
Thanks to both you folks:
Rod: IIRC when I posted before, you mentioned this link.
I tried with the latest AdAware, 1.05, it kept asking for files, I
copied W98 files to W95, no luck. Today, I DL the oldest version 35
from oldversions, will try it.

Mike, I remembered posting the link to a thread once, looked in my
favorites folder and it was still there. Didn't remember it was you I
replied to.
Too bad things didn't work out for you.

Another idea might be to switch to an old non-IE based browser.
I still run both Spybot and Adaware, but they haven't found any spyware
since I switched to a Gecko-based browser.
Maybe some old version of Netscape Navigator (4.08 ?)could work for you.
Or try Offbyone (http://www.offbyone.com/) which claims to run on win95.

Another thought, or rather a shot in the dark due to lack of knowledge:
do you need a spyware removal-tool on win95 ? Does 'modern day'-spyware run
on your win95FE ?


Rod said:
Mike, I remembered posting the link to a thread once, looked in my
favorites folder and it was still there. Didn't remember it was you I
replied to.
Too bad things didn't work out for you.

Another idea might be to switch to an old non-IE based browser.
I still run both Spybot and Adaware, but they haven't found any spyware
since I switched to a Gecko-based browser.
Maybe some old version of Netscape Navigator (4.08 ?)could work for you.
Or try Offbyone (http://www.offbyone.com/) which claims to run on win95.

Another thought, or rather a shot in the dark due to lack of knowledge:
do you need a spyware removal-tool on win95 ? Does 'modern day'-spyware run
on your win95FE ?
Well, an update. Adaware 3.5 (an executable, BTW) runs fine and shows no spyware.
Since the computer is old, was on the internet but not recently, ver. 3.5 would
probably catch spyware from several years ago.

Yes, I have Nav 4.08 installed, still have to setup the internet for my wife on
the 486. It does have IE 3.0 installed, as soon as I get Nav up and running, I
will uninstall IE completely.

Mike Sa


Janice wrote:

You're lucky. Are you running W95, or OSR2?

It's OSR2, so that might make a difference in terms of system files.
I no longer have 1.3, but 1.4 loaded once and started asking for files, the second
time it didn't even load. I think it may be more invasive than AdAware.

Are you getting the errors mentioned in the FAQ, or different ones?

If anyone has Spybot 1.3 or older in zip format (no install), that I could
download, I would like to try it. It would mean zipping the working folder so you
wind up with a no-install version.

I can zip up the folder for you, but I can't guarantee that it will work
without the reg entries etc. created by the install version. The zip
would be about 5.5 MB in size.


Well, an update. Adaware 3.5 (an executable, BTW) runs fine and shows no spyware.
Since the computer is old, was on the internet but not recently, ver. 3.5 would
probably catch spyware from several years ago.

I have AdAware 6 Build 6.181 on my Win 95 system. You could try that one
with its final update (from last October) for a fairly up-to-date scan.


Janice said:
It's OSR2, so that might make a difference in terms of system files.

Are you getting the errors mentioned in the FAQ, or different ones?


I can zip up the folder for you, but I can't guarantee that it will work
without the reg entries etc. created by the install version. The zip
would be about 5.5 MB in size.

Thanks, but for now, I'd like to take a raincheck. I have a few funnies with this
W95 FE and may later have to install OSR2. IIRC from my older days when I ran
OSR2, it was different from FE, so FE might react different with Spybot.

Mike Sa


Janice said:
It's OSR2, so that might make a difference in terms of system files.

Are you getting the errors mentioned in the FAQ, or different ones?


I can zip up the folder for you, but I can't guarantee that it will work
without the reg entries etc. created by the install version. The zip
would be about 5.5 MB in size.
I just noticed the Spybot link you included, and thanks. I will load Winsock 2
update, as I don't yet know what was done to this W95 before I got it. In the old
days with OSR2, I had a pretty good system.

Mike Sa


I just noticed the Spybot link you included, and thanks. I will load Winsock 2
update, as I don't yet know what was done to this W95 before I got it. In the old
days with OSR2, I had a pretty good system.

OK, maybe that will solve the problem.


Janice wrote:

Thanks, but for now, I'd like to take a raincheck. I have a few funnies with this
W95 FE and may later have to install OSR2. IIRC from my older days when I ran
OSR2, it was different from FE, so FE might react different with Spybot.

OK. If you change your mind in the near future let me know. I have it
uploaded to my webspace for you.



Janice, I got to thinking, since you are using W95, have you found a program
launcher that works?

No, sorry, I've never tried a program launcher. I did try installing the
Internet Explorer 4 Desktop Update once, so I could start programs from
shortcuts on the taskbar like in Win 98, but that didn't work out and I
had to remove it.


Janice said:
No, sorry, I've never tried a program launcher. I did try installing the
Internet Explorer 4 Desktop Update once, so I could start programs from
shortcuts on the taskbar like in Win 98, but that didn't work out and I
had to remove it.
A good move. Thanks to this ng over the years, on my W98SE computer, the only MS
program present is the OS, and a lean version of it. I never use the default IE.

Mike Sa

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