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  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Layton
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Sigh, I'm not going to have to start cutting and pasting responses to your
threads am I?

See below

Paul Cyr


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Miss Perspicacia Tick said:
<childish name calling sniped>, and responds to posts because he can't be
bothered to do his homework.

You don't have anything better to say then
personal attacks? LOL! At least I'm able to attack your actions, instead
of arguing like a 5 year old and calling names that could apply to anyone.
You see, that's the difference between arguing well, and arguing like a 5
year old - when you argue well, you attack the facts at hand and point out
the flaws in the person's reasoning. When you argue like a 5 year old, you
say the same thing to everyone, regardless of what's being talked about, and
has no relevence to the arguement.

I don't do *my* homework? Out of the few times you actually help people,
you have made your share of mistakes.
I had a very interesting email exchange with his father a while back. It
seems that Paulie is banned from using the computer, but he's obviously
hacked it. Hopefully, it won't be long before Daddy finds out (the trail of
spyware and pornography should be a dead giveaway).

LMAO. So what is his email address? What's his name? Of course, there's
no way to confirm this.

It seems that you like to make me sound like a little kid, yet I'm able to
respond to your points with out name calling.

And what does age have to do with it? Does age somehow disqualify me from
making an arguement?

If I used you as an example, I'd say everyone your age can't make an
arguement without slinging what's in their toilet at the poster.
I had him banned from Hotmail some time ago, but it seems that Hotmail's
promise to ban an offender for life is a complete fabrication. Never mind,
the second he steps over the line again...

Don't count on it. You actually taught me an important lesson when you were
going by a different alias; name-calling and mudslinging is the worse way to
argue, as it weakens your points, makes you sound immature, and makes it
seem like your not capable of arguing the points the person makes, but
instead have to resort to name calling.

Of couse, most of this I learned from you, or more accurately, as a result
of your posts and seeing how people responded to you.

And I've notified your ISP of your activities which have now lowered into
the realm of criminal. - It seems most governments (including yours,) frowns
on giving away personal information about other people without their
consent, as well as slander.
You actually try to reason with Miss Terspicia Prick? One of her favorite
fantasies is how she's had dozens of people banned. The other is how she's
in tight with the MVPs, particularly Brucie and Cari. She's a waste of