Would like to loop

  • Thread starter Thread starter TeeSee
  • Start date Start date
Hi George,

     Agreed.  It was only a snippet of the code TeeSee originally
posted--could only go on what was there.  The full posting had already been
changed due to the feedback.  So we will probably never know.

            Clifford Bass

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What is it you'd like to know specifically??
Hi TeeSee,

George was interested in seeing the complete original code in which you
originally were having trouble. However, I myself, am not that curious.

Clifford Bass
The entire procedure would be interesting to look at.

Hi George,

Agreed. It was only a snippet of the code TeeSee originally
posted--could only go on what was there. The full posting had already been
changed due to the feedback. So we will probably never know.

Clifford Bass

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What is it you'd like to know specifically??
Hi TeeSee,

     George was interested in seeing the complete original code in which you
originally were having trouble.  However, I myself, am not that curious..

                     Clifford Bass

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Hi George .... Here is my original code PLUS there might be a few
extra lines that I have added while trying to achieve what I wanted.
This code may not compile but I had a version which did but would not
move off the first record. Please give me your thoughts.

Private Sub cmdListUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap

'Dim rsListHist As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database

Dim intResponse As Integer
Dim intDiscount As Single 'New discount input thru
Dim intMessage As String 'Message for new discount
Dim Title As String
Dim strInput As String 'Contains the new discount
Dim strSQL As String 'String containing SQL for
Dim strItem As String 'Contains the new SQL input
SIS code String
Dim strMessage As String 'Pertains to the InputBox requesting
the SIS code String for the SQL
Dim strTitle As String
Dim response As String
Dim strCtl As String
Dim ctlSource As String
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intRecCount As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb()

strMessage = "Please input the SIS code filter string"
response = InputBox(strMessage, strTitle, Default, 5000, 3000)

If Trim(response) = "" Or IsNull(response) Then ' Check for empty
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmDiscountUpdate", acSaveNo
Exit Sub
strItem = response
End If

strSQL = "SELECT tblMaterialMaster.Funds,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.SISItemCode,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.CostPerInvUnit,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.Supplier,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.Contents,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.ManufacturerName,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.LocalGroup,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.LocalSubGroup,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.ManufacturerNo,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.MaterialDescription,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.MaterialNote,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.CorpMatlGrp,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.InvUnit,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.ListPrice,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.Discount,"
strSQL = strSQL & "tblMaterialMaster.CostDateNote"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM tblMaterialMaster"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE ((tblMaterialMaster.SISItemCode) Like "
& """" & strItem & """)"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY tblMaterialMaster.SISitemCode"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Debug.Print " RecordCount = " & _
With rs
End With
Set rsListHist = db.OpenRecordset("tblMaterialMasterHistory")
'Me.RecordSource = "tblMaterialMasterHistory"
'Debug.Print " RecordCount = " & _
' rs.RecordCount
'intRecCount = rs.RecordCount
'Debug.Print intRecCount


intMessage = "Please input the new discount as a decimal"
Title = "Discount Update"
strInput = InputBox(intMessage, Title, Default, 5000,

intDiscount = Val(strInput)

Debug.Print intDiscount
If intDiscount >= 1 Then
intResponse = MsgBox("Please input as a decimal as
asked!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "WHOOOPS!")
GoTo Destination

' Write changes to the history file

End If
strCtl = Me!Discount.Name
Debug.Print strCtl
Debug.Print Me!Discount.OldValue
Debug.Print Me.Discount.Value
ctlSource = Me.Discount.ControlSource
intCount = 1
With rsListHist
Debug.Print intCount
For intCount = 1 To rs.RecordCount
intCount <= rs.RecordCount
Do Until intCount = 3
Debug.Print intCount
intCount = intCount + 1
Debug.Print intCount
Debug.Print Me.SISItemCode
rsListHist!FieldName = strCtl
rsListHist!UserName = CurrentUser()
rsListHist!SISItemCode = SISItemCode
rsListHist!ChngeDate = Now()
rsListHist!OldDiscount = Discount.OldValue
rsListHist!NewDiscount = intDiscount
rsListHist!ControlSource = ctlSource
End With

' Change all discount values
With rs
Do While Not .EOF
rs!Discount = intDiscount
If intDiscount = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End With
'End If
