worthless activation

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Shenan said:
Sooner or later, you become obsolete.
It dose take a long time for a OS to become obsolete, for example you
can (if you want) play Grand Theft Auto 3 or vice city on windows 98.
And as i said most companys still use windows 2000 with win 2k
servers, this is probably due to cost benifit analysys showing that
the cost vastly out wighs the benifit. From microsofts point of view
windows 2000 went obsolete a few months ago (they officaly stoped
providing support) how ever i can safly say it will be a year or 2
after long horns release that win 2003 domain (with ither xp or long
horn clints) will out wight win 2000, as such software vendors will be
obliged to make there software compatible with as many versions of
windows as posible (probably from 2000 up). But thats the point any
way, you only upgade when it no longer works, which as i have said
will be several years from now.

As I said.. "Sooner or later.."

I know of places with NT 4.0 servers and Windows 98 workstations - not
usually by choice, but by financial limitation (not enough money for the
hardware upgrade, not enough money for the necessary software

In technology, life of an OS seems to be about 10-15 years ... tops. After
that, you "have to upgrade". However, usually - those who only upgrade at
that point don't have to upgrade anymore - as their services have also
lapsed into obsolescence.
Carey has forgotten more about Activation than you ever knew about Windows.
Most of the items you talk about having replaced have nothing to do with
activation. Go to the Microsoft.com website and search on "XP Activation."
How activation works is mostly public information which you can read at your
Why should you have to 'ACTIVATE' something you've already paid for more than
once ?

Because you don't own your copy of the software. Yes you have the
software on a CD that is in your possession. But you do not own the
software. activation gives you permission to use the software that is
owned by MS. not by you.
Although I legally own my copy of XP, i chose not to activate windows,
living in England and not the US or any other country, it is perfectly
legal to by pass the windows activation, I prefer my anonymity, the
less information I send to Microsoft, the better, plus I can use this
copy of XP on many different PC (obviously not at the same time :P)

I'm sure you didn't mean it exactly. But no. Legally you DO NOT own
your copy of XP. Rather, if you purchased the software the legally you
have been authorized use of the software. About the only thing you can
say you own is the actual CD. Not the data on it. I've always found
it rather funny when I read about kooks who don't want to send MS or
another company info about their PC when no personal info is sent and
when such methods DO NOT track piracy.

You see, if you choose not to send reports when errors happen or PC
hardware config info. Then YOU are making it that much harder for MS
to output a quality product. The more thy know about your hardware
config the more they can work to prevent whatever errors you are
having from occurring in future releases
Interesting, how do you avoid the remind me NAG ?
Or for that matter, how do you get it to work past the 30 day grace period
allowed before needing to activate ?

If he is correct then its probably no less illegal to download cracks
But somehow I doubt that. Depends on the country of course but I
seriously doubt its legal in Britain, Australia and Ireland to name a
It dose take a long time for a OS to become obsolete, for example you
can (if you want) play Grand Theft Auto 3 or vice city on windows 98.
And as i said most companys still use windows 2000 with win 2k
servers, this is probably due to cost benifit analysys showing that
the cost vastly out wighs the benifit. From microsofts point of view
windows 2000 went obsolete a few months ago (they officaly stoped
providing support) how ever i can safly say it will be a year or 2
after long horns release that win 2003 domain (with ither xp or long
horn clints) will out wight win 2000, as such software vendors will be
obliged to make there software compatible with as many versions of
windows as posible (probably from 2000 up). But thats the point any
way, you only upgade when it no longer works, which as i have said
will be several years from now.

Tis true a lot of companies still use Wink2. Most business owners I
know. Whether correct or misinformed say they wont touch XP Pro since
its overall worse software than Win2k

So far so good for me but the minute I notice XP going crazy or
getting hacked or whatever. Back to Win2k I go
As I said.. "Sooner or later.."

I know of places with NT 4.0 servers and Windows 98 workstations - not
usually by choice, but by financial limitation (not enough money for the
hardware upgrade, not enough money for the necessary software

In technology, life of an OS seems to be about 10-15 years ... tops. After
that, you "have to upgrade". However, usually - those who only upgrade at
that point don't have to upgrade anymore - as their services have also
lapsed into obsolescence.

And. Some people are just cheap. A video production company I worked
for used pirated copies of Win98 and Win2k on every PC. totaling about
40 PC's plus every last bit of software they used was pirated Windows
brand included. And these guys had millions of dollars worth of video
equipment. I always suspected it because the president was a real
pig. But I didn't know for sure until I had to reinstall some non
linear video editing software. Company is under new ownership now and
they have gone 100% legit with all of their PC's and software
Why upgrade from win 3.01 ? Because you'll get trampled in the advancing
technology is why if you don't..
And SP2 is a big improvement.

Windows 3.1? Holly crap yeah it hung on for a long time. If you are
only doing word processing then there is really no need to upgrade.
However should you one day need to read a document create on a more
current system its likely you wont be able to read it on your old

I only have wordpad. and one of my software packages docs MS Word in
a word format not compatible with wordpad. Idiots.
When you hit it and MS hasn't bought you out get back here.
25 is the limit on the serial for your OS by modem. 26- xxx are all by voice to
a machine that's programmed to fail, and an international caller on the other
end when it fails.

You don't need to reinstall the OS 25 times, upgrading software, replacing old
worthless parts, upgrading hardware, any time you reboot the machine the liar
software checks your last few changes.

Per MS's own site. You are allowed up to 6 changes before reactivation
is required. and the there's is a time period that XP resets its self
to throw out any previous knowledge of your changes if I recall.
Something like 120 days. Do yourself a favor a buy the corporate
version as it requires no reactivation as far as know. Of course you'd
have to be rather wealthy I would think
I never even suggested "brand x", that is your attempted misdirection of
this thread.
Your reference to monopolies clearly shows how desperate you are to foist
this fiction.
Monopoly has nothing to do with this thread except for you to some how
change the subject from your lost point.

There is nothing on those links to support the 25 limit.
I suggest you look at those images again, especially the parts you seem to
have missed.
Hint: The word "error" is part of it.
That message will come up if the activation system believes that key has
been installed on more computers than licensed.
So if Windows has been installed on more than one computer you have exceeded
the number of activations.

You need to get your facts straight.

Even if there was a true monopoly with regards to MS. I would not have
a problem As Windows are already on at least 90% of the words
computers. Bring other OS's into the mix and there will be far worse
issues than Windows already has by itself

I smell that he is on a local home network and he installed the same
copy of XP on both PC's
As for monopolies. Denying facts about that is also ridiculous. M$ is
definitely a monopoly. And can get away with this ridiculous crap because of
that fact. It's been in court for that before.

My point has always been M$ exceeding their rights by taking rights away from
the individuals.

Taking rights away? We never had rights regarding MS or any software
for that matter. We only have a privilege. I.E. your drivers license
is not a right given to you. Its a privilege. You do however have the
right to TRY and obtain that privilege
Once I paid for this that should have been the end of my association with M$.
Not reminded every time I upgrade something, or something BSOD's and reinstalls
drivers that I now have to actually talk to someone at M$ to ask permission to
use it again.
You don't buy a book, and have to call the author every time you want to turn a

But, again. You don't own the material written in the book. Its not
yours to change, mass produce or mass market.

Yeah I'm real sorry M$ is the target of piracy not!
Got news for you. Lets Pretend that one day Linux will over shadow
windows. Even its totally bug free and the best damn software ever. It
will then also be attacked with virus's (whether its free software or
not) and piracy(if its commercial software) (I can't remember if Linux
is free open source or not at the moment. I think it is free though.

They'd sell more if they
charged less and be a larger monopoly than they already are. But you can bet
there'd be less demand for piracy if the software were priced so the average
guy didn't have to mortgage their 1st born to buy it.

$199 is hardly a cause for a mortgage. Get off the Internet. Perhaps
that will make MS software more affordable to you.

I just have no use for defending M$ or the code. At best it's a machine. Like a
coffee maker. Weekly, daily, monthly security updates to close the barn door
after the horse is gone. Stability is better with XP.. Better than what ? Why
is it even an issue ? Because it's the #1 source of the BSOD's that require
changing the setup of the machines to reach this ridiculous limit of

There are literally millions of possible hardware configurations. You
cannot test for them all. And MS is not to blame for many a BSOD.
Rather its your hardware or software from other companies that's to
blame. for falling to provide quality drivers or any at all.

You have way too many preconceptions about computing in general and
Microsoft in particular to ever overcome your problems.. changing to another
platform requires a level of understanding that clearly you could not

He probably doesn't even know that you can have XP look exactly like
Win98/Win2k with a click of a button or two
I've been at it for more than 20 years. It was a pain arguing with a machine
then, and it's even harder arguing with those that believe the machine is

Machines are not infallible. But absolutely if its been that painful
for twenty year, go buy and old typewriter, Buy a roll of stamps,
obtain a regular account with your postal and parcel services. Oh and
for instant messaging make sure you have a long distance telephone

20 years? You must be really awful with computers. Why haven't you
switched to Apple? Lets see how well you do with that since it is so
much less intuitive than windows.
well, you caught on...it's just a big huge plot by MS to, at first, lull you
into complacency, then, just as you get fairly comfortable with their
software, they hit you with the full treatment.. they mess with your mind,
your soul, your sanity..you begin to wonder just how many time are they
going to make you activate before you will no longer have the strength to
continue the process...The next thing you know, they will be snooping in
your yard, your place of employment...checking to see if you are near, or
have EXCEEDED your limit of 25 activations, and, just like Big Brother, they
will be waiting for you when you do..oh, yes indeedy, they most certainly
Then they'll start asking questions, ..like, 'How long have you been hearing
voices in your head? that sort of thing. SO, you are right to be so
paranoid..really, and please, don't let the MS robot dogs tell you anything
different, no matter how many of them sound sane, sound like they know what
they are talking about, or appear to be rational, because, well it's all
part of the plot.

And it would seem that you know even less about what's on your machine this
moment than M$ does.
They can track you with a simple text file on your machine.
If you didn't create the program, you have no idea what all the extras behind
the scenes are or can do.
Majority are called Virus or Trojan.

M$ isn't above their own brand of law and order. Bounty paid [not will pay,
PAID] on Virus programmers. Last time that happened 6 million Jews were gassed
or cooked.
Children turning their parents in. Oh yeah... Ya gotta bow to M$.
I'm stuck with it same as anyone else that chooses to use one of these things.
I just don't feel it's necessary to ask permission to use what's already been
paid for. Internet is a small part of what I use this for. I could live without
the Internet, but M$ can't, they NEED to connect to home every so often.

I've never been comfortable with any machine or software. When a virus wipes
you out, it isn't your fault. it's the way the software and machine were
DESIGNED to operate.

Its completely your fault. You went to the site or downloaded the
software that had the virus. And clearly you go to some shady sites
and download questionable software. You've just stated that you don't
do so well with machines. I'll bet you don't even understand how to
program your VCR or your remote for that matter. Come on man, buy a
typewriter, and get a TV with dials
