Ken Blake, MVP
I am a very experienced user who practices "safe hex" and who has
proper software protection - I even PAY for my a/v protection (Avira)
- but I will not go so far as to get paranoid about opening a .DOC
file, or even a .JPG just because there is a POSSIBILITY that it might
contain a worm.
That's fine with me. You are entitled to practice whatever security
rules you want. You are willing to run risks that I am not willing to
run. My experience is that almost never is it necessary that I need to
open to open a .doc attachment that is sent to me. My standard
practice is to ask the sender to resend the text embedded in the body
of the E-mail message. Almost always I get what I request and that's
just fine.
As I previously said, quoted above "My view is very conservative."