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Sounds more like the college is acting like a jerk. Any
college professor should be able to work around any
application. Fonts, who cares about fonts in a college.
You can write your own and there are a ton of free fonts.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| Your the moron.
| You've systematically taken every sentence I wrote out of
context and
| responded to each individually without taking any of the
other sentences
| into consideration.
| No I've never used the trial version, however if you need
it beyond the
| expiration period you have to pay for it. Any reasonable
idiot, such as
| yourself, could also conclude that if you don't want to
purchase it that's
| OK, it'll just stop working.
| Not once did the original poster say he's taking a course
in Word. He said
| he's taking an Internet IT Tech course and the Prof.
demands homework in one
| specific format.
| Microsoft has a lock on the software most institutions of
higher education
| use and it's moronic to insist that poor college students
have to purchase
| and use Office.
| In one recent class I took, not only did we have to
purchase Office we were
| also required to purchase over a $1000.00 worth of fonts
that did not come
| with Office if the assignments were to be done correctly.
| So I'm speaking as someone who has recently been through
the wringer on this
| and came out the other side pretty damned pissed.
Whenever I work on a
| computer these days and someone asks me about Office
software I will always
| recommend Open Office and I'll even give them a CD-R with
Sun Java and Open
| Office on it.
| Pop's, you wouldn't happen to be one of those moron
college Prof.'s who's
| brain has been purchased and programmed by Microsoft would
you? My Unix and
| Linux Prof.'s warned me about guys like you.
| | > Uhhh, HE'S a moron?
| >
| > | > |
| > | Ordering a trial Office 2003 CD would be another
option as it
| > allows you to
| > | use it for 30 days without payment.
| >
| > Have you ever used that?
| >
| > | Perhaps you could get past this moron professor in
that amount
| > of time.
| > | Any Prof. that insists on Microsoft compatible file
formats is
| > a moron and
| > | anyone who disputes this would be a moron to.
| >
| > Really? He's teaching a Word class, and he should
accept .txt
| > files? Or .rtf? Or .mac? Or ... ?
| > You said: "anyone who disputes this would be a moron
to". Would
| > be a moron to what? Kind of an idiotic statement, IMO.
| >
| > | He or she should except Open Office, Works, Word, Word
| > text files
| > | etc. unless he/she is teaching a course specifically
| > Microsoft Word or
| > | Excel.
| >
| > Well, make up your mind: You seem so positive, you must
| > whether it's specifically MS Word or ...? Do you know
what their
| > assignments consists of? Of course you don't, so you
| > answer that. Moron.
| >
| > | I have no idea how long it takes for Microsoft to ship
this CD
| > as I've never
| > | ordered it.
| >
| > So? What does that do to the price of tea?
| >
| > | If all you need is Word and Excel I'd get the Students
| > Teachers version
| >
| > Word AND Excel? Why? The OP said Word OR Excel.
| >
| >
| > | as you'll have to pay full price to activate this
trial version
| > once it
| > | expires.
| >
| > He will "have to pay full price to activate this trial
version "?
| > I don't THINK so! All it does is quit: There is no
| > requirementto pay for it if you don't want it.
| >
| > Youse needs ta git sum more larnin' cause youse all
sounds like a
| > maroon ta mee.
| >
| >
| > Pop
| >
| >
| >
| > |
| > | | > | > Some versions of Works will allow you to save as
| > documents. Have you
| > | expanded
| > | > the save as, files of type...?
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Mary Sauer MS MVP
| > | > http://office.microsoft.com/
| > | > http://www.msauer.mvps.org/
| > | > news://msnews.microsoft.com
| > | >
| > | > > Hi everyone
| > | > >
| > | > > I need some advice or help. I am currently doing
| > internet IT course
| > | and
| > | > > my tutor said he cannot accept any more Works Word
| > documents. He can
| > | only
| > | > > accept word or excel docs. Is there any way of
| > word or
| > | excel
| > | > > with existing Xp programs and if so where can i
get it. Or
| > is it in the
| > | > > system.
| > | > >
| > | > > Any help appreciated (I have limited user
knowledge hence
| > the course).
| > | > >
| > | > > Thanks
| > | > > --
| > | > > bob carolgees
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Hi Bernie

Yep, you really got screwed over by that lecturer - no lecturer worth his/her
salt would dream of insisting students spend that sort of money for fonts - no
wonder piracy flourishes. Hope you and the other students protested to the Uni
admin - that teacher needs a kick in the butt for sure.

I lectured for some years at Uni, but like most of my colleages was very much
aware of how 'poor' most of our students were in terms of what they could spend
on texts etc, and always took price into consideration when choosing essential
texts etc - and made sure the Uni library stocked the texts for those students
who were really struggling financially.

Or buy OPEN OFFICE for $12 or get it free at Openoffice.org and save the
documents as a word file or excel file and save a whole bunch of Money!