Uhhh, HE'S a moron?
| Ordering a trial Office 2003 CD would be another option as it
allows you to
| use it for 30 days without payment.
Have you ever used that?
| Perhaps you could get past this moron professor in that amount
of time.
| Any Prof. that insists on Microsoft compatible file formats is
a moron and
| anyone who disputes this would be a moron to.
Really? He's teaching a Word class, and he should accept .txt
files? Or .rtf? Or .mac? Or ... ?
You said: "anyone who disputes this would be a moron to". Would
be a moron to what? Kind of an idiotic statement, IMO.
| He or she should except Open Office, Works, Word, Word Perfect,
text files
| etc. unless he/she is teaching a course specifically in
Microsoft Word or
| Excel.
Well, make up your mind: You seem so positive, you must know
whether it's specifically MS Word or ...? Do you know what their
assignments consists of? Of course you don't, so you can't
answer that. Moron.
| I have no idea how long it takes for Microsoft to ship this CD
as I've never
| ordered it.
So? What does that do to the price of tea?
| If all you need is Word and Excel I'd get the Students and
Teachers version
Word AND Excel? Why? The OP said Word OR Excel.
| as you'll have to pay full price to activate this trial version
once it
| expires.
He will "have to pay full price to activate this trial version "?
I don't THINK so! All it does is quit: There is no
requirementto pay for it if you don't want it.
Youse needs ta git sum more larnin' cause youse all sounds like a
maroon ta mee.
| | > Some versions of Works will allow you to save as Word
documents. Have you
| expanded
| > the save as, files of type...?
| >
| > --
| > Mary Sauer MS MVP
| >
| >
| > news://msnews.microsoft.com
| > | > > Hi everyone
| > >
| > > I need some advice or help. I am currently doing an
internet IT course
| and
| > > my tutor said he cannot accept any more Works Word
documents. He can
| only
| > > accept word or excel docs. Is there any way of downloading
word or
| excel
| > > with existing Xp programs and if so where can i get it. Or
is it in the
| > > system.
| > >
| > > Any help appreciated (I have limited user knowledge hence
the course).
| > >
| > > Thanks
| > > --
| > > bob carolgees
| >
| >