Are you saying that a capacitance in series with a high
impedance has an effect on that impedance? ... The capacitance
will look like a short to high frequencies, but the inductance will still
be a high impedance to those high frequencies.
Wow. UCLAN has no grasp. A bypass capacitor is in parallel. It
conducts no DC current AND is low impedance to high frequency
currents. Therefore high frequency currents don't need his low
impedance ground wire. UCLAN wants to solve a problem that does not
exist. This inductance - completely irrelevant and does not exist.
UCLAN tell us those bypass capacitors are in series. Each conducts
no DC current AND each is low impedance to high frequency currents.
No DC current flows from power supply to motherboard? UCLAN claims
'in series' electrolytic and tantalum capacitors conduct DC
electricity? He says those capacitors are 'in series'. Therefore
capacitors would block DC electricity from power supply to
motherboard. Somehow UCLAN is a computer expert. Electrical
knowledge need not be known. He need not understand why bypass
capacitors exist or even how capacitors are wired.
Trying to teach UCLAN science is futile. Instead, this post is a
warning to others about computer experts who don't even know how
electricity works. A board swapper needs no education to be a
computer expert. Even an A+ Certified Computer Tech needs no
electrical knowledge to be A+ Certified. Be wary of those who also
provide no numbers. When challenged with the 'whys', UCLAN invents
myths: such as bypass capacitors 'in series'. When challenged with
the existence of those electrolytic and tantalum capacitors, instead,
UCLAN avoided those posts. He did not understand. So he pretends the
science was never posted. He does not even know how electricity
works. He does not even know how bypass capacitors are connected. He
says capacitors are 'in series'. UCLAN then argues with Kony who
repeatedly posts technically accurate facts.
This is a warning to others about computer experts such as UCLAN who
do not know how electricity works. Who even provide no numbers to
justify speculation. Who would cure a problem he cannot even
identify. More indications of those who know - but cannot bother to
first learn the science.