Pretty Eskimo said:
Well, my husband has forced me to use Vista since August and as of today
I have decided to divorce him. Just kidding ;- ) but I really really do
like this Vista. First off I am not running Aero graphics becuase my
1.5GHZ laptop 32MB cant handle it.
You install it on a machine that can't handle it then you decalre you do not
like it?
But, I have used a majority of the
features and play around with the system for a few hours a day and really
can't wait to use my XP and NT work computers, and I hate going to work.
You just don't like anything do you?
daughter has a mac with an old operating system 9.2 and I even enjoy using
that. I can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't enjoy the user
experience with vista.
Of course not .. but that's the theme thread of your life.
Of course my husband says it will take us gals to get
used to it, he enjoys all the bells and whistles but that's his opinion.
will say my programs are snappier and browsing the internet is much
So what's not to like? The IP stack was entirely rewritten and is very fast.
do also like some of the customization features like adding my kids photos
windows and folders. But the way the control panels are laid out and how
access things...VERY CONFUSING.
One overcomes that in pretty quickly. As a matter of fact, one finds that
it's "all there" in Vista.
So, I will continue to use it but I will
continue to hate it... I have even changed the look of the interface so it
looks like my old Windows 2000 computer.
Yup, you can do that. I did and it lasted about 1 minute. The new Start menu
is nice.
I'm sure things will change a lot
when it is finally released
Things might change around you, but Vista has RTM'd.
but as of now I don't see to many not techy
secretaries with kids enjoying this monster. Now if they had Vista woman's
edition with flowers and bright windows and not this terrible looking
Well, learn how to change the colours and wallpaper and close the side bar.
The gadgets can be dragged onto the desktop so they stay .. and when the
sidebar is closed that darkening effect disappears. Try putting on some
bright fuschia wallpaper ..
dingy cave with impossible to find options I would change my mind but I'll
stick with XP.
Vista is so better than XP. And great strides have been made in security
among many many things. Maybe if you used it on a computer than can handle
it rather than a six year old laptop?