What specs?
ATX specs maybe? Power supply specs maybe?
No matter how thoroughly you know what you're doing fingers slip.
There are situations where this applies more, and there are situations
where this applies less. Just recently, I had an open case on my bench, a
few disks lying on the bench next to it, some connected, some not, and
booted the computer a few times, each time with a different disk
configuration. I connected and disconnected the disks while the ATX power
supply was in standby mode. I wasn't meddling inside the case where I could
have accidentally unplugged a cable (since the disks were actually outside
the computer). So it was /safe/ to (un)plug the IDE interface cables while
on ATX standby power; I don't see a reason why it shouldn't have been. You
say it never is; I say if the proper precautions are taken, it can be
(because it is from the IDE bus/mobo/disk corruption POV).
Not in any engineering firm that I am aware of. If you don't _know_ then
you find out.
That's maybe the reason why you quit engineering. The only thing worse than
an engineer who doesn't know anything is one who thinks he knows something

Good engineering is always about successfully approximating things and
making the odds work for you. You'd probably be surprised to see how little
of all the possible ramifications is known to anybody designing a product.
There's just not the time to get to the /real/ bottom of things. You always
have to stop spending time and money /somewhere/ -- and always short of
getting all the answers. A good engineer has a high probability of getting
the relevant answers sufficiently close, a bad engineer hasn't. And even a
good engineer doesn't know up front whether he did -- and a good engineer
knows that.
(And before you go ahead and read into this that I think I'm a good
engineer: while I'm aspiring to be a good one, I don't think it's up to me
to judge that. I let the people I design for judge how good they think I