Further to my query, bought a linksys. Transformer started buzzing and is running hot, called tech support, need a new one, fine, following e-mail said:
"Thank you for submitting your request. Regrettably we are unable to send you a replacement adapter as our warehouse has informed us that they are currently experiencing a shortage of adapters for your product. They do not know when they are likely to see more, although you are more than welcome to wait."
So I rather angrily phoned thier UK support line, got through to a chap it later transpired is in the Philipines. He couldnt give me a UK number or offer anything more helpful than that e-mail. Unbelieveable. So will be making enquiries to ebuyer who I bought it off, failing that some recourse through credit card under 1976 consumer credit act, goods not fit for purpose etc.
Linksys have lost a custiomer for life (unless I get replacement power supply in next couple of days in which case they may be forgiven?)
Kind of academic at the moment anyway if you see my "PSU went BANG" thread - not having much luck at the moment...