Windows XP SSD tweaks?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Doe
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John said:
Says who?

Was the door you came through to get to USENET labeled "CLUELESS

That is wrenchingly boring IMO.

Says another clueless newbie trolling for answers?

The MTBF specification might be wrong, but your justification for
the difference between the specification and the allegedly low
performance is nonsense.

Provide some authoritative citations.

A Wikipedia article, had this as the first citation. I've copied
the whole thing, because I know how you like details.

In particular, look at the first sentence in the third paragraph.
In terms of the "bathtub curve", MTBF is computed based on the
flat section in the middle of the "bathtub", and is not based
on the wearout phase (end of the bathtub). So "Ohaya" is right.
The MTBF doesn't take the wearout mechanism into account. It is
basically taking all the non-wearout failure reasons into account.
We know if you do enough writes (like leave a write benchmark
running by accident), it will wear out and die on you, and
in an interval much shorter than the MTBF quoted.


In order to understand MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) it is best to
start with something else -- something for which it is easier to
develop an intuitive feel. This other concept is failure rate which
is, not surprisingly, the average (mean) rate at which things fail. A
"thing" could be a component, an assembly, or a whole system. Some
things -- rocks, for example -- are accepted to have very low failure
rates while others -- British sports cars, for example -- are (or
should be) expected to have relatively high failure rates.

It is generally accepted among reliability specialists (and you,
therefore, must not question it) that a thing's failure rate isn't
constant, but generally goes through three phases over a thing's
lifetime. In the first phase the failure rate is relatively high, but
decreases over time -- this is called the "infant mortality" phase
(sensitive guys these reliability specialists). In the second phase
the failure rate is low and essentially constant -- this is
(imaginatively) called the "constant failure rate" phase. In the
third phase the failure rate begins increasing again, often quite
rapidly, -- this is called the "wearout" phase. The reliability
specialists noticed that when plotted as a function of time the
failure rate resembled a familiar bathroom appliance -- but they
called it a "bathtub" curve anyway. The units of failure rate are
failures per unit of "thing-time"; e.g. failures per machine-hour or
failures per system-year.

What, you may ask, does all this have to do with MTBF? MTBF is the <------- Note!
inverse of the failure rate in the constant failure rate phase.
Nothing more and nothing less. The units of MTBF are (or, should be)
units of "thing-time" per failure; e.g. machine-hours per failure or
system-years per failure but the "thing" part and the "per failure"
part are almost always omitted to enhance the mystique and confusion
and to make MTBF appear to have the units of "time" which it doesn't.
We will bow to the convention of speaking of MTBF in hours or years --
but we all know what we really mean.

What does MTBF have to do with lifetime? Nothing at all! It is not
at all unusual for things to have MTBF's which significantly exceed
their lifetime as defined by wearout -- in fact, you know many such
things. A "thirty-something" American (well within his constant
failure rate phase) has a failure (death) rate of about 1.1 deaths per
1000 person-years and, therefore, has an MTBF of 900 years (of course
its really 900 person-years per death). Even the best ones, however,
wear out long before that.

This example points out one other important characteristic of MTBF --
it is an ensemble characteristic which applies to populations (i.e.
"lots") of things; not a sample characteristic which applies to one
specific thing. In the good old days when failure rates were
relatively high (and, therefore, MTBF relatively low) this
characteristic of MTBF was a curiosity which created lively (?) debate
at conventions of reliability specialists (them) but otherwise didn't
unduly bother right-thinking people (us). Things, however, have
changed. For many systems of interest today the required failure
rates are so low that the MTBF substantially exceeds the lifetime
(obviously nature had this right a long time ago). In these cases
MTBF's are not only "not necessarily" sample characteristics, but are
"necessarily not" sample characteristics. In the terms of the
reliability cognoscenti, failure processes are not ergodic (i.e. you
can't blithely trade population statistics for time statistics). The
key implication of this essential characteristic of MTBF is that it
can only be determined from populations and it should only be applied
to populations.

MTBF is, therefore an excellent characteristic for determining how
many spare hard drives are needed to support 1000 PC's, but a poor
characteristic for guiding you on when you should change your hard
drive to avoid a crash.

MTBF's are best determined from large populations. How large? From
every point of view (theoretical, practical, statistical) but cost,
the answer is "the larger, the better". There are, however, well
established techniques for planning and conducting test programs to
develop specified levels of confidence in a thing's MTBF.
Establishing an MTBF at the 80% confidence level, for example, is
clearly better, but much more difficult and expensive, than doing it
at a 60% confidence level. As an example, a test designed to
demonstrate a thing's MTBF at the 80% confidence level, requires a
total thing-time of 160% of the MTBF if it can be conducted with no
failures. You don't want to know how much thing-time is required to
achieve reasonable confidence levels if any failures occur during the

What, by the way, is "thing-time"? An important subtlety is that
"thing-time" isn't "clock time" (unless, of course, your thing is a
clock). The question of how to compute "thing-time" is a critical one
in reliability engineering. For some things (e.g. living thing) time
always counts but for others the passage of "thing-time" may be highly
dependent upon the state of the thing. Various ad hoc time
corrections (such as "power on hours" (POH)) have been used, primarily
in the electronics area. There is significant evidence that, in the
mechanical area "thing-time" is much more related to activity rate
than it is to clock time. Measures such as "Mean Cycles Between
Failures (MCBF)" are becoming accepted as more accurate ways to assess
the "duty cycle effect". Well-founded, if heuristic, techniques have
been developed for combining MCBF and MTBF effects for systems in
which the average activity rate is known.

MTBF need not, then be "Mysterious Time Between Failures" or
"Misleading Time Between Failures", but an important system
characteristic which can help to quantify the suitability of a system
for a potential application. While rising demands on system integrity
may make this characteristic seem "unnatural", remember you live in a
country of 250 million 9- million-hour MTBF people!

Kevin C. Daly
ATL Products

If you need a nice graph, to illustrate the above FAQ, look at
the picture here.

And as mentioned in the above article, a typical usage of MTBF,
is computing how many spares to buy. We used to work out the
MTBF for our products, and if a customer asked, we could tell
them "you should stock 5% more of this PCB, due to its
computed MTBF". Those 5% of units would sit in the repair room
storage cabinet, ready to be inserted into a system to fix it.
Having them sitting in the storage cabinet, means a system
could be run non-stop (the items in the storage cabinet, can be
inserted into the system while the power was on - hot insertable).
The prediction was important, when some of the circuits involved
cost $100,000 a piece. A customer would be rightly pissed, if
the estimate was way off, in either direction. So that is what
you're supposed to use an MTBF for. A customer decision to buy
a system, could well be influenced by the added cost of spares
the customer is expected to stock.

Paul <nospam> wrote:

A Wikipedia article

is hardly authoritative.
had this as the first citation. I've copied the whole thing,
because I know how you like details.

I like accuracy and conciseness, Paul, I am usually bored by your
verbosity and unwillingness to trim irrelevant text. Yours is like
top posting, trying to check the advice you are giving is
laborious, but there is nothing technically wrong with your posts
and I appreciate your attempts to help me.

Unfortunately, the referenced MTBF FAQ link to IBM's web site is
In particular, look at the first sentence in the third

I think you are trying to point somewhere else, Paul.
In terms of the "bathtub curve"

The term "bathtub curve" is common and easy to understand, Paul. I
think it usually refers to solid-state devices. Your unquoted
terms "wearout phase" and "wearout mechanism" below are not nearly
as common.
MTBF is computed based on the flat section in the middle of the
"bathtub", and is not based on the wearout phase (end of the

Unfortunately, Paul, there is no such terminology "wearout
mechanism" in the document you referenced above.
The MTBF doesn't take the wearout mechanism into account.

Unfortunately, Paul, there is no such terminology "wearout
mechanism" in the document you referenced above.

I would be surprised to learn that solid-state device testing is
stuck in the Stone Age, Paul, as apparently you are suggesting.
We know if you do enough writes (like leave a write benchmark
running by accident), it will wear out and die on you, and in an
interval much shorter than the MTBF quoted.

I see, Paul... Leaving a write benchmark running is the "wearout

Again... To be clear, I am not saying that SDD MTBFs are accurate.
I am saying that the current supportive argument for the
allegation that SDD drives fail prematurely sounds like bullshit.
Every Dick on the planet has a sensational claim...
John Doe said:
Again... To be clear, I am not saying that SDD MTBFs are accurate.
I am saying that the current supportive argument for the
allegation that SDD drives fail prematurely sounds like bullshit.
Every Dick on the planet has a sensational claim...

Wear leveling was not developed by flash memory manufacturers
because they're were bored, you idiot. It's just one of the limitations
of the current technology.

If you pay through the nose, you can get SSDs made with memory
that's rated for much greater numbers of write cycles. But the vast
majority of SSDs sold today use either the 1,000 or 10,000 cycle
variety, with small amounts of 100,000 cycle memory reserved for
use by wear leveling controllers. Again, if you weren't so friggin lazy
you could read about and understand this. It's not even controversial.
"John Doe" <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> wrote in message
If you pay through the nose, you can get SSDs made with memory
that's rated for much greater numbers of write cycles. But the
vast majority of SSDs sold today use either the 1,000 or 10,000
cycle variety, with small amounts of 100,000 cycle memory

That is apparently something Jack just learned from a different
wikishit web page or his favorite Web forum.

Your first claim was that "individual segments" (your idiotic term
for flash memory, Jack) was "1000 write cycles"... YOU ****ING

John Doe said:
Personally, I think that is a silly concern when a device has a
Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) of over one million hours.

One million hours is over 114 years. (1,000,000 / (365.24 * 24) =
114.08023948 Do not forget about leap years.)

If they really lasted that long, why do all the 32 gig SSD's I found
have one, two or three year warranties? The one with a three year
warranty was one of the most expensive.
No, flash memory does not have only 1000 write cycles.
Early cards like SM and CF did not have wear leveling and work for years.

Do you have a hardware testing lab that shows SSDs last just a year?
If not shut the **** up and jump in front of a speeding train.
We don't need stupid cunts like you spreading misinformation.