Robert Moir said:If you pirate software you are dishonest. It's an absolute truth.
If you over charge people it's dishonest too.
Robert Moir said:If you pirate software you are dishonest. It's an absolute truth.
Jupiter Jones said:Thieves already steal regardless the price because it is their nature.
Piracy may be cut a little, but there would always be those that would
steal regardless the price.
Even if it were free as long as downloaded from a specific server, some
would still distribute copies and others would download from the
illegitimate sources.
To a thief, anything they disagree is not a "reasonable price".Price is
little more than an excuse the thieves use to justify their activities.
Some buy into this flimsy excuse, I do not.
If you over charge people it's dishonest too.
Robert Moir said:Roscoe wrote:
Define "overcharge".
If you order burger and fries from Mc Donalds and the cashier tells you
"$10.00 please" and pockets the difference that is dishonest.
If Mc Donalds increases the price of burger and fries to $10,00 and you
still choose to go there, they aren't actually being dishonest. And even
if they were, that wouldn't excuse stealing from them.
Microsoft's pricing model is more like the latter than the former - but we
don't have a software burger king to buy from.
I paid $299 for my full retail Windows 95. Now, 11 and a half years
later, only a 33% increase in price and a 1000% increase in features and
Thanks for raising this point. Now I feel even better about Vista than
I did before!
Personally, I'd feel terrible about paying $399 for an OS that I can only
install on one of my computers.
Arrowcatcher said:I have Vista Ultimate on one machine here, but I
have trouble imagining people buying it for anywhere near full list
There is, of course, the option to stick with what you already have,Obadiah said:Fist you could not have stated it better! Secondly: Ah, but is an OS
in which businesses have invested billions of dollars in training
have acquired years of experience with really a commodity? There are
no other OSes which make an acceptable substitute so the price of the
OS is fairly inelastic.
People need it at any price so sales don't decrease when the price
Tom Lake
And, I do have the latest Ubuntu (6.06) on a VMWare virtual drive for
testing purposes.
Mark said:The latest Ubuntu is 6.10: http://www.ubuntu.com/
Richard said:Really!
Is this latest version going to allow me to perform a one click install
of the software ***I*** want to install - even if it is NOT included
with the download package?
Better yet, put a CD/DVD in the tray and have an installer run
Can I finally run AutoCad and not have any associated slow downs due to
Didn't think so!
Richard said:Can I finally run AutoCad and not have any associated slow downs due to
The latest Ubuntu is 6.10: http://www.ubuntu.com/