One thing to consider though is, how many slots does your MB have for
memory.?? 2? 4? 6?
That's exactly the problem. I have an AMD64 socket 754 system
(single channel memory) with only 2 memory slots and one slot has a
512 meg stick of ram in it. If I upgrade to 1 gig then I only have to
add another 512. If I go to 2 gig, then I have to replace the whole
bunch and 2 gigs is kind of pricey right now.
Of necessity, my computing is on a budget. Right now, this computer
is screaming along running W98SE (Why upgrade the OS if it: 1. runs
all your programs and 2. you can still get the security patches?).
But now, the security patches have stopped for W98 and I'm forced to
upgrade -- I guess I'll wait for Vista rather than get a copy of XP.
I just don't want to go back to a sluggish, slothful, torpid or
hebetudinous computing experience.
Right now, it looks like it's gonna be 1 gig for me.
Thanks to all who replied,