Windows Vista Windows Vista SP2

Madxgraphics said:
Well yeah it was a long list of crap, but the short of it was all you had to do was check your updates for KB ******* ( I can't find the post so can't remeber the exact KB number) if that paticular KB was missing from your updates then you shuld chose from the selection near the top of the page and install, restart machine and proceed with installing SP2..Not that difficult really, although MS have made it look difficult by adding 10 tonnes of useless crap...

Well folks i would just like to mention that i have sp2 since it was sent out and have had nothing but headaches everytime i try to run a cd rom or dvd my pc shuts itself down in a flash and when i power it up again it offers the choice of safe mode etc,etc. It has also started doing a scheduled ???boot time scan and tells me not power off or viruses may not be completed removed.....i really am thinking of going back to before this update or uninstall the updates completely....meester flopps i would advise you to hold your hosses.
floppybootstomp said:
Ok, found it, doesn't actually look quite so intimidating now, ok, let's have a go.

Basically you the bit that would comncern you is

Download the Update for Windows Vista for x86-based systems.
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Download the 955430 package now. ( Download the Update for Windows Vista for x64-based systems.
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Download the 955430 package now. (

I wouldn'tknow if yours is x64 or x86...As for the rest ofthe crap..Erm we are blokes,do we ever read the complete manual..?:p
Taffycat said:
Is it this one KB955430 ?

Saw it mentioned here

That is the downlaod page for x86..Basically the whole thing is a missing update, which Windows update, needed for windows updates to work properly. If the update hadn't been installed on your PC then certain updates would come back with error messages etc...
floppybootstomp said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh I bloody well give up, pile of crap Vista...

I wonder is it worth the hassle of getting somebody to make up a disk with SP2 slipsteamed, and then doing a re-install so close to W 7..? Hey I have been in the pub most of the day, so this could sound like crazy talk to some...:p
Madxgraphics said:
I wonder is it worth the hassle of getting somebody to make up a disk with SP2 slipsteamed, and then doing a re-install so close to W 7..? Hey I have been in the pub most of the day, so this could sound like crazy talk to some...:p

Well for some:p
captain zed said:
Well for some:p

I have worked blood sweat and ters from the age of 15, when I haven'tbeen working Ihave either been studying my arse off to get the degrees I want..For the last 5 years or so I have worked upto 5 different jobs a week on various days, December last year I decided I will not answer to a boss anymore, now I do what I do, and the only boss in my house are my missus and kids..I choose when I work, and today was one of the days I choose not to. THese days are the joys of as I mentioned before, blood sweat and tears and investing the money you earn wisely..I am 38 and could quite easily retire this year and not have to lift a finger again..How many 38 year olds do you know that can do that.....? I once said to me dad when he asked what is your ambition in life son..? I said to grow old with my missus and not to have to do it from a work place...
Well good for you Mr Mad but do I not recall you said you couldn't move out of Hackney cos work dictated?

Good and bad in everything old son ;)

I haven't worked for anybody except myself since '96 now. Some good, some bad.

Summing up though, I was better off working for somebody else I think, at least that provides a regular income you can plan around.

There again, I could not, and cannot, abide with anybody telling me what to do, I've always had a problem with that which is why I would never get on with serving in the armed forces, the police force or just about anywhere where you run the risk of having a total idiot telling you what to do.

And let's face it, those who give orders, for some odd reason, are usually tik as a brick.

Strange but true in my experience.

Not all, I have had some bosses I can actually respect but they are the rarity.

Where was I now?

Ah yes, SP2 and Vista.......
floppybootstomp said:
Aye, nothing's set in stone, tis true

So when you moving to Launceston then? ;)

Think I need to age another 27 years before I move down there..I'm not to keen on grannies chasing me just yet...:p
Madxgraphics said:
Think I need to age another 27 years before I move down there..I'm not to keen on grannies chasing me just yet...:p

I bet grannies would even chase ya man....LOL...unless you owed them noney.