Windows Vista RTM pricing...

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Just in case anyone is interested, Vista Ultimate full install version will
be priced at £325 in the UK with a release date of 2nd February 2007.

Mike said:
Just in case anyone is interested, Vista Ultimate full install version
be priced at £325 in the UK with a release date of 2nd February 2007.

*spits coffee over keyboard*
HOW MUCH???!!!11
I could buy a new laptop for that price :-/
It doesn't suprise me. RC2 is looking really good. I can't wait for release.

Imagine what this is going to do the hardware group. I see a major upgrade
cycle coming. I am buying tech stocks as we speak.

thats a fairly big price tag
I think I will be buying the home premium version it's got most things I
Does anyone know the pricing of the oem versions ?
That assuming OEM versions will be made.
I know Xp Pro OEM version sells for far less than the full retail version
Not too sure about the upgrade cycle
From my experience vista actually runs better and more stable on older PC's
than xp does
I had an old PC sitting around it was a pentium 3 866Mhz cpu 512Mb ram and a
128Mb video card I installed Vista on it and I wasn't expecting much at all
But other than not having aero glass it ran very well and a lot smoother and
stable than it did with XP on it

But I guess to run it with all it's features fully working most people will
have to consider an upgrade
That's a ridiculous price actually;
One of the poster's earlier was correct; you can buy a pc for that price.

Not to mention, Vista reporting back to MSFT everytime you boot up; other
options are starting to look good.
If Vista reports back to MSFT on every boot, then wouldn't that cause
problems if for example the pc is being used as an offline PC ?
Personally, I believe Microsoft's retail pricing is forcing people to just
buy a new pc with Vista installed. I really believe a hardware upgrade cycle
is in the near future.

I will probably end up buying a new pc next year. I can't wait!
Trust me, Vista's new WGA called SPP; I think; initiates an outbound at
every boot.
Not that it'll connect;if you're off-line; obviously.

Jeff said:
Trust me, Vista's new WGA called SPP; I think; initiates an outbound at
every boot.
Not that it'll connect;if you're off-line; obviously.


Can it be blocked by a firewall?

As a home user I don't really see that much difference between Vista home
premium and Vista ultimate they both have Aero Glass and both have media
To me it's seems these are the main features home users will be attracted to
Yet there is a rather large price difference between the two

I mainly use the Pc for work and also entertainment

my work involves web design and graphic design and as for entertainment I
like recording Tv with media center I occassionally play some games and
listen to music

So correct me if I'm wrong but why would I pay around $100 more for ultimate
if Home premium does just about all the things vista ultimate can do?

It seems very strange that MSFT has such a large price difference between
the ultimate and home premium, when there isn't that much difference between
$605.18 USD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and another !!!!!!!!!!
Re: "It seems very strange that MSFT has such a large price difference
between the ultimate and home premium, when there isn't that much
difference between them"

There is a lot of difference, but not necessarily differences that a
home user would need/want.

Home premium does not have Remote Control, or any form of domain
networking (only workgroup), as I understand it. There are also a lot
of security and backup facilities present in Business and Ultimate that
are not present in Home (basic or premium).
I stand corrected!
-weird; the currency gadget has 325 british pounds as$ 603.640 USD on my
pc-i'm not sure why. probably because of rate fluctuations.
Whatever; give or take a few bucks;
That IS outrageous.

Jeff said:
I stand corrected!
-weird; the currency gadget has 325 british pounds as$ 603.640 USD on
my pc-i'm not sure why. probably because of rate fluctuations.
Whatever; give or take a few bucks;
That IS outrageous.


And yet another reason to stick with XP.

I know this is a stupid idea, but I am going to post it any way:

Why not wait until Vista is available for purchase,
see what the real you-gotta-pay-this price is,
then rant, rave, hoot, holler, yell, scream,
and be generally annoyed if you feel it is too much,
or can't afford it, or don't want it, or whatever

Just in case anyone is interested, Vista Ultimate full install version will
be priced at £325 in the UK with a release date of 2nd February 2007.
