.. --------------------------------------
Mike Richter, were you born with
"Scam Artist" emblazoned on your face?
(Mike Richter, any Material Connection w/ Roxio?)
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]
(Messages 10, 12 -- 34, 54 -- 69)
( No pipsqueaks have been able to prove ANY of the above is a libel )
( -- despite Mikey's supposed to have proof of misquotes! )
I have to admit I'm slightly confused by the terminology.
I started out using Imation CD_RWs formatted in the default fashion by
Adaptec DirectCD 3.01d_D5 (i.e. a Dell-installed OEM version). No
problems with them that way.
Later, I listened to blokes in comp.publish.cdrom.hardware and I
*thought* they were saying such CD_RWs are unreliable and normal CD_Rs
formatted UDF were much better.
Once upon a time, Take Two, supposedly a backup software, cannot live
without packet writing. For Take Two to work * IDEALLY *, it must use
supposedly *inherently* flaky, fragile, faulty, unreliable packet
writing format!
Moreover, the supposedly *inherently* flaky, fragile, faulty, unreliable
packet writing format was good enough for BACKUP, even when combined
with supposedly *inherently* flaky, fragile, forgetful, unreliable cd-rw
From: Mike Richter (Acraptec Shill)
Subject: A note on Take Two
Date: 9/1/99
For Take Two to work ideally, your drive must support
packet writing and you must have DCD installed...to do it.
You may back up ... to a DCD-formatted erasable.
But then when the reports of DirectCD bugs started pouring in, the SAME
combination of packet writing format and cd-rw media -- that was good
enough for BACKUP -- became LETHAL for archiving:
From: Mike Richter (cRoxio Shill)
Subject: Re: File Integrity Errors - DirectCD Bug?
Date: 10/15/01
Combining the flaky UDF fixed-length packets with
the tendency of erasables (particularly HS) to forget
is LETHAL for archiving.