BillW50 said:
In glee typed:
Really? I am running XP SP2 without any problems whatsoever. I also
Office 2000 without any problems whatsoever. I ran Windows 3.1 besides
few flaky drivers without problems. I am running Windows 2000 on a
netbook without problems. And I can go on and on. Any more delusions
want to tell us about Glen?
I did Glen, you just forgot and are delusional. But you rejected them
because you say they are wrong.
Where does it say Office 97 updates are found at at the link you had posted, Glen? I see
that Office 97 users can use, but nothing about updates. Are you
that incompetent?
Here, let me help your incompetence.
This is what looked like back in 1999. And it
shows a link to Office 97 SR2 and everything else is about up and
Office 2000. And the site didn't exist prior to February of 1998. So
where did you get your Office 97 updates from?
I really can't accept that you are as stupid as you are making yourself
out to be. Your screenshot from the web archive (missing all the
graphics) does not show anything but the "News" page. The Office
downloads and updates were via the links right on that page that even
you should be able to see.... the ones that say "Downloads and More...",
for example. The "Office 97" link for ordering Office 97 is on the
right side.
First you claimed there was NO Office Update site prior to Office 2000,
then confronted about that misinformation, you claim that it DID exist
but there were no updates.... so it was an Update site with no updates?
Seriously, you are going to propose that? Did you even read the info at
the link I gave you? It was copied and pasted into the reply posted
there, directly from the Office web site in 1998. It clearly states:
"You'll find previously posted Free Stuff throughout this new site, all
now under the Update umbrella. This has been part of the re-design and
re-structuring of the entire Office site...". Apparently you can't
understand that word, UPDATE, repeated throughout the copy. "All it
takes is one registration, which you can complete by linking to"... there's that word
again... UPDATE.
I wonder if you ever even got updates for Office 97... you're just
arguing with no first-hand experience of the site at that time. To go
back to your original statement in this thread regarding Office updates,
you claim Office updates prior to Office 2000 came from Windows Update.
That is simply not true. Rant on, you lose more credibility with each
post you make.
As for your many issues with software, you yourself admitted them in
your reply to Nil a little while ago, among other places. As I said,
you're just sad.