John Inzer said:===================================
Once again...the unwanted images are in your
C:\Documents and Settings\>username<\
Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
If you cannot find the folder it may be hidden...
open any folder and go to...Tools / Folder Options /
View tab...Tick..."Show Hidden Files and Folders" /
Apply / OK. Now try again to find the folder.
More info:
(260897) How to Delete the Contents of the
Temporary Internet Files Folder
John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP
Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs
This is not tech support
I am a volunteer
Solutions that work for
me may not work for you
Proceed at your own risk
Like John said,
What you describe are clearly images in your temp internet folder.
These folders are not as easy to empty as all that: a quick press of the
empty button shows me that various icons stay put regardless, in my own TIF
for example. And there are hidden folders such as the various 'contIE5' s
that can be stubborn!
Do read the advice at John's links thoroughly, and do follow up his
suggestion of getting: CCleaner
This gives you many more options and is very handy for keeping your system
regularly cleaned.
If the worst comes to the worst, I suppose you could create a new TIF and
delete the old one entirely.
I suppose it is also possible that you have received a mail which has
deliberately set out to make these items difficult to remove, and
immediately replaces them. You may find that scanning for spyware with
spybot, adaware or avg might help weed these out (but I am not very up on
how these pests operate. Aumha forum is good for help in that department.)