Wait awhile someone might know and post.
If knowone can tell ya how to get it back and you really want it.
Ya might have to get brave and format. reinstall Windows.
When booting watch for chipset type. Intell, SIS, VIA
download the updated chipset drivers. google for VIA chipset... ect.
You will need the chipset drivers even if ya have a factory install disk like Compaq,
Dell, ect
If you have XP upgrade its better to full install XP on the disk, set the bios to boot from CD, and then XP ask you to verifiy the upgrade put the ME disk in, and it will continue the install. You will like the XP performace better with less problems.
A problem with factory install disk.
If you had mirosoft office that came from a factory ME install you might lose it, because windows XP upgrade dosent come with MS office if you format and do a full install.
If ya have MS office install different disk dont worry.
Not the best way! Install ME and then upgrade over it to XP because you will carry the ME conflict problems over to XP. Alot of people dont know that you can do a full install of the XP upgrade.
Dont worry XP has most of the generic drivers to get it going. Its not like 98.
Find prepare all your sound, video, modem, netcard, software and drivers if XP needs.
This will help you identifiy the cards for update drivers or if ya lost the driver disk. It works much better than device manager.
Get all the update drivers from the manfacture support. google the brand.
Its better to try to download all the update drivers that you can. XP might not have it.
SP1 can be dowloaded and burned. mirosoft downloads.
Burn all the drivers to CD two copies put in safe software box.
Dont format yet wait someone might have a solution.
But getting this stuff isnt a waste of time you might use it next week or two years from now. Also you will be better prepared for if ya need help. I wouldnt waste my time writing all this but I think your headed towards bravery.
I get my machine formated and going in about 2 hours.