Similar issue here. I have XPpro set up on my RAID-0 configuration but also
have a seperate 150GB Raptor which I use for progs and games. I partitioned
that in half, so I have a clean 75gb partition for the window Vista beta.
Now, my WinXP-Pro if 32 bit, and I am trying to install Vista Beta2 64 on the
clean partition I made. I don't think there should have been any issue.
Aside from the fact it was also giving me errors whe I downloaded the
ISO....But that is another issue.
Any ideas anyone>? I have done what other have suggested, as far as
disconnecting everything but mouse and keyboard. Still get the same system
volume error.
2xWD200 RAID-0(XP Pro)
150 GB Raptor(Games and Vista*hopefully*)
2xBFG7800GTX256 SLI
A8n32 Deluxe Nforce X16
2405FPW digital 1920*1200