Unfortumatly nothing help me I have always the same problem . When I start
my PC the pop up appears whith "application faied to initialize 0x800106ba a
problem caused by Windows Defende service to stop..."
PC is on XP pro sp2 and well up grade automaticly Avast 4,7 home édition for
protection (
http://www.avast.com/index_fre.html )
What I see when I charge the new defender on my PC a windows DOS is quickly
opened and closed! It sems that it run but if I try to scan the pop up
application failed... come the same one if I click on software Explorers (in
the start menu).
In the security center Defender is runing..... What I see in the menu
"ajouter ou supprimer des programmes " technicals informations on the
technical support : version 1,1,1347,8. Last utilisation 8 may 2006 ! and
repare option doesn't change the problem. (new defender x64 program).
May be something how have no connections but it is befor the problem whith
defender to up grade IE6 to IE7
You can see the reporte in annexe behond.
for that I have stop avast and clear it and I try to charge Defender and IE7
=> no change!!
Now it is more than 3 days I am on this problem scanning in windows sites
locking for solutions upgrade GDI+ nothing nothing solve this problem.
is some one have a solution it will be very nice new year.
I don't understand those Windows there are all windows products and windows
make problem and it is IMPOSSIBLE to have easily a solution!!!!!!! That not
realy serious for windows product.
regards Francis
Belgium french speaking
0.765: 2007/01/01 20:43:26.390 (local)
0.765: e:\3ea46feb973df6d6600182659ec716\update\update.exe (version
0.875: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart /er
7.187: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
7.734: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open\command
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
9.078: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
13.281: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\jpegfile\CLSID
13.281: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\jpegfile
13.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\pngfile\CLSID
13.406: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\pngfile
18.343: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
18.906: IECUSTOM: Scanning for proper registry permissions...
19.343: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\.application
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open\command
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell\Open
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile\shell
19.703: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\giffile
19.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\jpegfile\CLSID
19.984: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\jpegfile
20.015: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\pngfile\CLSID
20.015: IECUSTOM: Unwriteable key HKCR\pngfile
20.578: IECUSTOM: Backing up registry permissions...
20.672: IECUSTOM: Finished backing up registry permissions...
20.672: IECUSTOM: Setting new registry permissions...
20.718: IECUSTOM: Unable to clear DACLs HKCR\pngfile
20.718: IECUSTOM: Finished setting new registry permissions...
20.718: IECUSTOM: An error occured verifying registry permissions. ERROR:
20.718: DoInstallation: CustomizeCall Failed: 0x3f5
20.734: IECUSTOM: Restoring registry permissions...
20.984: IECUSTOM: Finished restoring registry permissions...
21.000: Impossible d'écrire la clé du Registre de configuration.
21.000: L'installation du Internet Explorer 7 ne s'est pas terminée.
21.000: Update.exe extended error code = 0x3f5