Windows auto shutdown

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johnie
  • Start date Start date


I often do big downloads from the net that can take a couple of hours
to do, and an obvious time to do this is at night.

Is there a freeware utility that will allow me to do this, (or to run
defrag or whatever) and when its done, to close down windows?
(My current computer automatically goes off on shutting down

There are programs ("Shutdown", or the shutdown utility in XP) that
just exits windows, but these do not wait for a pre-defined application
to finish first.

I guess it is possible to write a script in Java or using WinBatch,
but is there a ready made utility to do this?

TIA - Johnie.
Johnie said:
I often do big downloads from the net that can take a couple of
hours to do, and an obvious time to do this is at night.

Is there a freeware utility that will allow me to do this, (or to
run defrag or whatever) and when its done, to close down windows?
(My current computer automatically goes off on shutting down

There are programs ("Shutdown", or the shutdown utility in XP) that
just exits windows, but these do not wait for a pre-defined
application to finish first.

I guess it is possible to write a script in Java or using WinBatch,
but is there a ready made utility to do this?

Most download managers.


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jo wrote in said:
This would be the 'shut down system when the cpu is idle' option?

The feature I noticed yes. If it does not suite the OPs needs,
he could, before he writes his own Java code, maybe ask for
suggestions in <alt.msdos.batch.nt> or
<microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin> ,if anyone knows a
dedicated utility or a have a "ready to go" batch solution.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:
The feature I noticed yes. If it does not suite the OPs needs,
he could, before he writes his own Java code, maybe ask for
suggestions in <alt.msdos.batch.nt> or
<microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin> ,if anyone knows a
dedicated utility or a have a "ready to go" batch solution.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen

Very interesting...
This is more complicated than you'd think; does the CPU ever run
'idle' when you have firewall, antivirus etc. running in the

I am using Star Downloader which does not have the option to
shut down on completion. Also I am using Mozilla Firefox for my
browser which is an added complication. I am looking at either
"fresh Download" or "Winget", (which do have shutdown option)
and linking it to Firefox with the "DownloadWith" Extension.

Thanks everyone for you help.

Johnie wrote in said:
This is more complicated than you'd think; does the CPU ever run
'idle' when you have firewall, antivirus etc. running in the

Probably not, but at least the Winoff program offers a way to make it
shout down based on "in CPU use percentage". Never said it was simple

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Chrissy Cruiser wrote in
Bjorn, I used to write simple batch files in DOS but I have no clue how to
use these. A quick(ie) leson? I'll let you look down my blouse.

OK! Quick lesson, Google for a ready to go batch file for your
particular needs. Copy/Save, Run, Cross your fingers and open your
blouse :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Chrissy Cruiser wrote in
A quick(ie) leson? I'll let you look down my blouse.

Seriously though, I'm not the one to give lessons.

Lessons/help -->this way ---> alt.msdos.batch.nt

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Chrissy Cruiser said:
Bjorn, I used to write simple batch files in DOS but I have no clue how
to use these. A quick(ie) leson?

It might depend on what operating system you use.

In win98 you write a batch file in notepad, name it whatever.bat, place
it in a suitable folder.

If you place it in a folder in your path, (or in C:\Windows if you did
not understand the first part of this sentence), you can run it by name
from anywhere, from a DOS run box.
Or from a command line in your file manager.

Another, and more modern way to run it is to create an icon for it and
put in in your start menu, or quick launch bar, or on the desktop. Then
you can run it by clicking on the icon.
Or create a keyboard shortcut for it and use it to run the bat file.

Another way to run it is from a file manager, click on it to run it.

To create an icon of the bat file it is often good to first run it once,
then a .pif file with its name will be created in the same
folder/directory. Then you can rightclick on the .pif file and set
different options, like run in full screen or from real dos, what icon to
use, etc..
Bjorn, I used to write simple batch files in DOS but I have no clue how to
use these. A quick(ie) leson? I'll let you look down my blouse.

;-) Another Bjorn - another suggestion:

Batch file 'programming' for Windows is a very extensive topic. Maybe
you start reading a decent tutorial:

Veli-Pekka Tätilä offers good entry-level descriptions and provides a
few useful links
