I often do big downloads from the net that can take a couple of hours
to do, and an obvious time to do this is at night.
Is there a freeware utility that will allow me to do this, (or to run
defrag or whatever) and when its done, to close down windows?
(My current computer automatically goes off on shutting down
There are programs ("Shutdown", or the shutdown utility in XP) that
just exits windows, but these do not wait for a pre-defined application
to finish first.
I guess it is possible to write a script in Java or using WinBatch,
but is there a ready made utility to do this?
TIA - Johnie.
to do, and an obvious time to do this is at night.
Is there a freeware utility that will allow me to do this, (or to run
defrag or whatever) and when its done, to close down windows?
(My current computer automatically goes off on shutting down
There are programs ("Shutdown", or the shutdown utility in XP) that
just exits windows, but these do not wait for a pre-defined application
to finish first.
I guess it is possible to write a script in Java or using WinBatch,
but is there a ready made utility to do this?
TIA - Johnie.