Alright, I know I said I was done with this but I just can't help myself
First off, Mucks, that site you linked to - you sure? Not like you old son, thought you had some integrity, that site is a pile of poo poo.
Lemme see - Win 7 - released October 22nd 2009, cost me £35 on a pre-order from Currys of all places, a few flaws on release, one service pack so far, running smooth, age 53 months, excellent current hardware support.
Win 8 - released October 26th 2012, age 17 months, would have cost me around £90 for an OEM copy on release. Generally agreed confusing for those using keyboard and mouse and even for some using touchscreen. Security improvements and
slight performance increase cautiously welcomed. Many users buying a laptop with Win 8 installed were dismayed the BIOS had been 'fixed' so only Win 8 would run on their new machine.
When the user can finally get their head round how to use Win 8 it is generally agreed it's stable and works fine and support for new hardware is up to date.
Thing is though, it was foisted upon an unsuspecting public just three years after the release of Win 7 and then it took Microsoft well over a year to finally admit they'd released a turkey and rewrote the OS in a desperate bid to sell Apps through their Store, oops, I mean keep the public happy.
Too little too late, my Redmond friends, Win 7 is still supported, works fine for me and I await the next OS offering with some curiosity, be it named Win 9; Galileo or Up Yer Bum.
And gentlemen, anybody can argue a point by quoting text from websites. Anybody can set up a website, give it a fancy title, profess to know what they are talking about and then give an opinion. And as such most of the guff they spout out there is worthless and should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.
Let's put it this way, as far as I'm concerned Microsoft have missed the boat for me to use Win 8 but if somebody gave me a copy for nothing I'd probably use it.
This assertion, however, does not stop me being incredibly cheesed off with Microsoft and the Win 8 debacle has raised my distrust of them up a notch.
btw, does Win 8 have the Pinball game? Good game that was, Win XP it was big magic for this boy, he use profusely at time, much enjoy.