Windows 2K or Windows XP?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mad amoeba
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Don't worry about it Paul,
Wait till SCO gets through with the LinuxFuxs. ;-)

I can hardly wait until it's over. I wanna see what new slogan and
excuse you Micro-Softies are going to invent to explain why Billy and
the Buttcrusts are still worried about linux.
Show me where in the stores that you can buy something other
than M$.
I sure don't see anything else in our town. Nothing but M$

On the store shelves... show me the choice. All I see is
software written for M$ windows o/s. I don't see any
alternatives in the stores. I am aware of what is out there
only because I went to vendor schools for the Gov. The rest
really don't have any idea.
I heard that Walmart were selling Linux pc's....
While restarting Outlook, SunSpot grumbled:
WOW! Is that the best you can do?
I knew Linuxfuxs where slow, but I did not think they where THAT slow!

Not slow. Why waste words on putzes like you?
<html><input type crash></html>
begin SunSpot wrote:

WOW! Is that the best you can do?
I knew Linuxfuxs where slow, but I did not think they where THAT slow!

GreyCloud wrote:
| Alex M wrote:
|| ||
||| Then maybe you haven't let it soak in yet that M$ is a
||| monopoly.
|| Does this mean you have no other choice of operating systems or
|| applications software in the marketplace?
| Show me where in the stores that you can buy something other
| than M$.
| I sure don't see anything else in our town. Nothing but M$
| PCs.
||| And monopolies don't need an incentive to write
||| good software... just charge a high price for it.
|| And as customers currently have a choice, they can pay the asking
|| price or take their custom elsewhere.
| On the store shelves... show me the choice. All I see is
| software written for M$ windows o/s. I don't see any
| alternatives in the stores. I am aware of what is out there
| only because I went to vendor schools for the Gov. The rest
| really don't have any idea.

You don't need a store. All you need is a good internet
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, nospam
<[email protected]>
What's that html dooing here? I thought that linboys don't like
people posting anything but plain text

begin long-and-tedious-explanation-for-the-ignorant.vbs

We don't. However, we've noticed that this gives some of the
slightly wackier WinLoonies pause. Until some time back it
crashed IE (and, by extension, OE). It may still be crashing
IE for all I know.

Of course, most of the smarter individuals have now switched to
Forte, which is of course unaffected by either bug, as is SLRN,
Pan, Mozilla, and just about every other Linux newsreader as far
as I know.

Hash: SHA1

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, nospam
<[email protected]>

begin long-and-tedious-explanation-for-the-ignorant.vbs

We don't. However, we've noticed that this gives some of the
slightly wackier WinLoonies pause. Until some time back it
crashed IE (and, by extension, OE). It may still be crashing
IE for all I know.

Of course, most of the smarter individuals have now switched to
Forte, which is of course unaffected by either bug, as is SLRN,
Pan, Mozilla, and just about every other Linux newsreader as far
as I know.


Amusingly enough, I tried IE under wine when that bug first showed up,
it was unaffected by it. So if you must stick with MICROS~1 apps for
that, then I recommend you run Linux, and use them with Wine :)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

mad amoeba said:
I'm going to have to work on a windows operating system for a while so i
need to purchase either win2k or winxp pro. I was wondering if you guys
would help me figure out which one is the better deal. Windows 2000 seems to
have better registration policy and is probably significantly lighter on
system resources than xp. XP on the other hand has smoother interface and
probably less hadrware issues. The price difference between the two is
negligible as far as i concerned. OEM versions on pricegrabber start from
$90 and $130.
I would probably just go for newer and better winxp but I am really
concerned about how it will handle my privacy as from all the things I've
read about it, it communicates alot with mssoft and exchanges alot of
information. Overall I guess I am leaning towards win2k as it seems to be
the best of what mssoft offers. What is your opinions on what i should do?

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 00:06:40 +0000, The Troll's next target is Ted.
GNU ( and linux) make you stupid!

Obviously not as stupid as running Windows where users know absolutely
nothing....including how not to crosspost to other newsgroups having
nothing to do with Windows. Where are the infamous microsoft.public
moderators who filter out anything crossposted? Oh yeah, they're
rebooting their machine and making tweaks to their systems that they don't

Running Windows is suicide.

Now get the hell off of comp.os.linux.advocacy.