win95b firewall...

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Bjorn Simonsen said:
Thanks, the collector in me just had to grab a copy for my "nice to
have, you never know..." collection :)

I have trouble envisioning ever being able to delete from my archives
a program with such a very inviting name. :) In case you didn't happen
to land with the TPF docs, in html form, from any earlier downloads,
I've uploaded. (1017k)
or (547k)

I figure you might collect the same way I do. For those archived
progs in the collection which we might never use, but you never
know, I always prefer to accompany them with full documentation
which I equally might never read, but just in case...
I have trouble envisioning ever being able to delete from my archives
a program with such a very inviting name. :) In case you didn't happen
to land with the TPF docs, in html form, from any earlier downloads,
I've uploaded. (1017k)
or (547k)

The only doc I managed to find lacked one of the chapters and almost all
of the illustrations.

Here's an introduction to version 2 made by mr. Joseph Crowley:
omega wrote in said:
In case you didn't happen to land with the TPF docs, in html form,
from any earlier downloads, I've uploaded.

Thanks. Already had a copy (nov 2000 :), keeping yours (oct 2001) -
assuming it is more in sync with the latest version.


All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen