Gene H. Chan said:
Did it say that in the documentation? If so, try ignoring what it says and
try installing it anyway.
Or did you get an error message when you tried to install it on a Win95
I've been running Kerio 2.1.5 on Windows 95 without any problem.
Google groups search shows reports of w95 users having your success, but
others with fail.
One of the possibilities is that it is only a matter of the comctl32.dll
version on the w95 machines. W95 users ought to do this update, at least
out of general principle:
One w95 user report was that after attempted install, he couldn't boot up.
An earlier version of Kerio, it had a file named FWDRV.SYS. Maybe in that
version, that file call got written into system.ini. W9x gets really pissed
off when it finds things in system.ini that it doesn't like, and then tries
to refuse to let you continue.
For the later TPF release, there is one precaution I'd still take, if
attempting an install on w95. I'd set aside a file named something like
remove.reg, and drop it at root of C, where I could get to it handily.
If Windows didn't want to let me boot, then I'd merge it. By typing this
at DOS:
C:\ regedit remove.reg
; removes the call for firewall device driver