milt said:
Nope, no Win7 newsgroups and not likely will be.
As for root kits, if you're careful, you won't get them. Practice smart
computing. Make sure your virus protection and malware scanner software
is running and up-to-date. Be careful what website you go to and be
careful clicking on links in e-mails from people you don't know. Its
simple, really.
Here is my situation:
I was using XP for many years and consider myself to be an advanced
user. I do a lot of computer repair work...and deal with infected
machines all the time. Just never thought it would happen to me.
First off, I have always kept my security software and Windows itself
updated...and I never go to "those" kinds of websites. I certainly never
open any unknown attachments and for the most part... malicious email
gets filtered out anyway
Additionally my virus checker was set to periodically perform a full
"normal" scan.
Even though I consider myself extremely cautious...I did end up getting
a root kit...and I did not find it until I realized some of my financial
accounts had been hacked. (Got it fixed)
Then scoured my machine for root kits and first looked in all the usual
spots. Finally found it. The rootkit had installed itself in the restore
volume! Those clever Russians...sheesh.
I immediately switched over to Linux for all on-line transactions...
and though I can use it for most of my work...realize than in the "real
world" Windows is still needed to run some of the applications I need.
(Such as video-conferencing with my office)
My current situation is that for the times I do need to use Windows...
I use XP...
but know that sooner of later I will need a newer version of Windows.
Tried Vista and it's performance was just not there...but Win7 looks
promising... thus far I cannot find documentation for it's way of
avoiding root kits